DOREA (OID number: E10032547 / PIC number: 948488893) organises ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility training courses specially designed to meet HEI (Higher Education Institutions) staff, school staff (primary and secondary), and staff working in Adult Education Centres needs.

DOREA courses combine the most effective and fastest-growing models of applied psychology such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (AT), Enneagram and Gestalt among others. We pride ourselves in making a real difference in the professional and personal lives of the participants of our courses. We use active learning methods to maximize benefits for the participants and enable them to start using the new skills straight ahead.

Join us at the sunny cities of Limassol (Cyprus), Palermo, Rome & Pisa (Italy), Porto (Portugal),  Athens & Thessaloniki (Greece), in the cosmopolitan cities of Barcelona (Spain), Dublin (Ireland) & Lyon (France) or the majestic cities of Prague (Czech Republic), Budapest (Hungary), Varna (Bulgaria), Zagreb & Split (Croatia) and attend our quality training courses.

All DOREA courses fully adhere to the Erasmus+ Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1.

Click here to see all the already confirmed Erasmus+ staff mobility course sessions for  2025 & 2026.

You can also find the course prices and packages we offer here.





Artificial intelligence in education

NEW COURSE: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Education

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has created a pressing need for educators to be trained in its usage in education. With AI tools and applications becoming increasingly prevalent in educational settings, educators must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate these technologies into their teaching practices. Training educators in AI usage is essential to ensure they can leverage the full potential of AI to enhance student engagement, personalize instruction, and improve learning outcomes.

Social and emotional learning (SEL)

NEW COURSE: Unlock the Power of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in Education

The research shows that people with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. From effective problem-solving to self-discipline, from impulse control to emotion management and more, SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term effects on children, adults, and communities. Thus, this engaging and comprehensive training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and practical strategies needed to effectively incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into their educational settings. 

education beyond classroom

NEW COURSE: Education Beyond the Classroom: Connecting Schools and Communities

To experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment, the entire community must care for and actively engage with children. Educators play an essential role in students' lives, as they have the ability to strengthen the bond between school, home, and the wider community, ultimately benefiting the holistic development of their students. This 5-day training course is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to foster positive relationships with students' families and engage the community in the education process. 

Self-Regulated & Cooperative Learning

NEW COURSE: Digital Tools and AI for Self-Regulated & Cooperative Learning

This comprehensive course is designed for educators to enhance their understanding and application of self-regulated and cooperative learning strategies, supported by digital tools. Participants will explore the fundamentals of self-regulation and self-control, delve into the 4, 5, and 6 C's of learning, and discover how digital tools and AI can facilitate these educational processes. The course also addresses the ethical implications of AI in education, promoting a conscious and responsible approach.

Navigating Challenges: Nurturing Resilience and Effective Crisis Response in Education

NEW COURSE: Nurturing Resilience and Effective Crisis Response in Education

Educators are uniquely positioned to recognize signs of distress, provide a listening ear, and offer guidance, all of which are crucial for students grappling with anxiety, fear, or uncertainty. Moreover, they can impart essential life skills, including resilience, problem-solving, and coping strategies, which are invaluable in times of adversity. The importance of educational settings and educators in nurturing the mental health of students during crises cannot be overstated; they serve as beacons of hope and strength in challenging times, helping students navigate the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Equipping Students for the 21st Century

NEW COURSE: Equipping Students for the 21st Century

Teaching students 21st-century skills is of great importance as we prepare them for a rapidly changing, interconnected world. These skills encompass critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, all of which are key pillars for success in today's dynamic world. In an age marked by information abundance and technological advancements, students must be equipped with the ability to analyze, synthesize, and apply knowledge critically. Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for building bridges and working harmoniously with diverse global communities. Furthermore, fostering creativity empowers students to think outside the box, innovate, and solve complex problems, preparing them to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom

When we talk about the classical educational system (face to face system) we usually refer to teachers teaching in front of a classroom full of students.  This seemed to work for many years, however, the digital age has brought a lot of challenges, requiring changes in our current educational systems. Over the past years educators have started increasingly incorporating innovative teaching & learning methods in their classrooms, one of them is the Blended learning approach.

Gamification and Augmented Reality in Education

The use of video games and augmented reality in education has become a major new trend. It comes from the idea that play holds an important role in student’s learning, and supports intellectual, emotional and social well-being. Gwen Dewar’s, Ph.D. research has shown that play can improve memory and stimulate the growth of the cerebral cortex, provide new ways for learner engagement in academic tasks as well as contribute to language skills development, and promote creative problem-solving.

Learning in Digital Age: Coding for Schools

Coding is becoming a basic literacy in the digital age. To be able to thrive in tomorrow’s  society, young people must understand and be able to work with the technology around them. Education systems around the world now have a goal to provide students with new possibilities to design, create and express themselves with digital technologies, starting from the young age.  There is no doubt that while not every student will choose a path to be programmer or computer scientists, having a basic knowledge of technology will create countless opportunities for them in the future.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

“There are over 60 million teachers in the world – and each one is a key agent for bringing about the changes in lifestyles and systems we need. For this reason, innovative teacher education is an important part of education for a sustainable future.” (UNESCO, n.d.) Making the shift in education towards valuing sustainability is essential in terms of  raising generations that will take actions and be the driving for environmental integrity, economic viability, and present as well as future generations with the respect to cultural diversity.


School-Based Experiential Outdoor Education

Research has shown that outdoor/adventure learning improves students’ self-awareness, self-control, self-responsibility, teamwork, community integration and general behavior at school. Students value the outdoor connection, the hands-on-approach and the relevance of the material. Thus, the main aim of the course is to introduce the concept of experiential learning through outdoor education allowing participants to create their own meaningful and engaging learning processes for their students.

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an innovative approach to language teaching, where students are exposed to foreign languages while learning the content of other subjects such as history, geography, science, etc.  There are many benefits of using CLIL in the classroom - cultural awareness, internationalization, language competence, preparation for both study and working life and increased motivation – are just a few of them.


The Power of Educational Coaching

Teaching nowadays is becoming more and more demanding. Educators have a task of providing students with 21st century skills and engaging them in learning while facing challenges on how to organize learning to a large number of students with diverse needs.  New innovative tools and approaches are becoming the trend to meet the needs of educators and students however it is getting difficult to follow them and choose the most suitable ones.


Mindfulness for Educators

Educators who practice mindfulness are much more likely to be more resilient to stress and more attentive, resulting in students having more positive learning experience. Mindfulness helps educators to connect with students at a deeper level, creating more compassionate classrooms and enabling them to better meet students’ academic and personal needs.

Digital storytelling

The course aims to introduce educators to digital storytelling and explore the ways in which it can help to foster critical and interpretive thinking and enhance students’ learning experience and motivation. The course will cover the key elements of digital story telling as well as provide a hands-on opportunity for participants to create their own digital stories. They will practice the necessary skills in order to be able to effectively use the gained knowledge and tools with their students.

During this course participants will learn how drama activities can be incorporated in the curriculum material - how concepts, ideas, events, and people can be dramatized through improvisation, pantomime, and playwriting to stimulate interest, convey knowledge, gain comprehension, and improve retention.

Many European member states have adopted important measures to build more inclusive education systems and to guarantee the right of all children to education without discrimination. In practice, however, authorities at national and local level do not always abide by their obligations and often yield to pressure from different sources, including from school administrations, teachers and other professionals and from families. This course aims at raising awareness of inclusive education both at the administrative level (School principals, head teachers, etc.) as well as promoting parental participation in the school.

Early school leaving (ESL) is one of the major challenges in education policy within the European Union.  ESL is not only an obstacle to general economic growth and employment but also it also one of the reasons of poverty and social exclusion.  Young dropouts are much likely to lack skills and qualifications, which leads to difficulties in entering and staying in labour market – working in low-skilled and often unstable jobs. Thus, the training course will focus on early school leaving (ESL) reasons and consequences, existing strategies, policies and measures to combat ESL as well as support teachers and student learning.

Skills of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) are becoming an increasingly important part in today's society.  STEAM-related careers are some of the fastest growing and best paid of the 21st century, and they often have the greatest potential for job growth.

Creating a solid STEAM foundation through an integrated curriculum is the best way to ensure that students are exposed to science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics throughout their educational career. It is also important for educators to have a skill set allowing them to inform students on STEAM careers prospects, motivate them and to support them.

Nowadays, educators use technology every day, however, they do not always have enough knowledge and tools available to them to protect their personal and professional data from cyber-attacks. 5 days training course will help participants to understand online security, learn to recognise possible threats, defend from cyber-attacks, respond to emergencies as well pass the knowledge them forward to their colleagues/students.  The training course will focus on areas vital to modern cybersecurity – malware, password security, encryption as well as the topic of emerging issue of cyberbullying will be discussed.

As the demand for online education continues to increase, educational institutions are faced with the challenge to adapt to learners needs and offer efficient, high-quality online courses. Thus, this 5 days training course will cover the basic elements needed to design and create a successful online learning course - from generating ideas, discussing tools needed, to the final creation of online course. The course as well will introduce the advantages and challenges of teaching in an online environment, assessing the online course and students’ development and much more.


This course aims to equip teachers, trainers and administrative staff of the schools with the essential skills, knowledge and competencies required for tackling the bullying phenomenon using a holistic approach. One of the main objectives is the practical introduction to the ENABLE programme and its implementation guidelines, through non-formal learning, group discussions, role-plays, etc.

In response to rapid changes in technology and methodologies of teaching tools, there is a need for radical change to take place for ICT to be fully exploited in teaching and learning. As stated in “Survey of schools: ICT in Education” teachers still believe that insufficient ICT equipment is the biggest obstacle to ICT use in many countries. However, teacher training in ICT is rarely compulsory and most teachers devote spare time to private study. Thus this 5 days training course is focused to provide the most important information and hands on practical tools that are needed for educators.

This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their  English level. It aims to give participants a basic knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts. Course participants will be expected to use the range of resources available to them during the training and to communicate with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence. This course is designed to be very flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the participants.

English for Educators: set the base (level I) course is for teachers/educators who have an Elementary (A1) or  Pre-intermediate (A2/B1)  language levels, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their English level. It aims to give participants an intermediate knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts. Course participants are expected to use the range of resources available to during the training and to communicate with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence. This course is designed to be very flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the participants.

English for Educators: set the base (level II) course is for teachers/educators who have at least  B2 and upper  language levels, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Education institutions are under increasing pressure to become responsive to student needs, and there is growing scrutiny of their role in local communities. By supporting entrepreneurs, institutions can broaden the student experience and make an economic and social impact. The EDUpreneurship training aims to make education more student-led, through implementation of entrepreneurship programs for its students.

The training course targets teachers and educators aiming development of their personal and social skills along with self-awareness regarding (dealing with) discrimination in everyday life, their work and their societies. The main theme of the training will be focused on raising awareness of the realities, possibilities and new tools for more inclusive society in the anti-discrimination projects with marginalized groups, against social exclusion.

This course is dedicated to school leaders and its team members and designed to demonstrate, analyse tools for creating clear vision of the role of all elements of the organisation from single person to strategy of whole school. Practical exercises will provide participants possibility to learn methods in creation “whole school approach”, share good practices of Human Resource Management, learn effective strategic planning, increase knowledge how to establish effective cooperation with parents, etc. Overall, participants will be empowered to organize their own quality system.

Classroom management

The course aim is to introduce a revolutionary approach of inclusive Classroom management and equip participants with ways of creating an environment, atmosphere and positive relationships between the teacher and students that are conductive to accomplishing the school mission, as well as reinforce their desire to make a difference in children’s lives and to have a positive influence on their future.

Securing EU Funding: The Key to Success

This is a Master class course designed for people involved in the preparation and submission of EU funded proposals. The participants will have the chance to acquire in depth knowledge of the key issues related to drafting a quality proposal that has increased chances to secure funding from any of the major programmes within European Union.

Delegates will be shown how they can best appreciate the other team members and coach them to develop the skills they have in order to create a confident, relaxed, and constructive team. Experiential and group exercises demonstrate how to bring teams closer together by making communication more clear and direct.

Stress is inevitable. It walks in and out of our lives on a regular basis. Burnout is a mixture of professional exhaustion, and disillusionment with other people, the organization, or the career, over the long term. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to minimize and cope with stress and learn how to avoid burnout.

Learn to apply decision-making and problem-solving skills to reduce risk and choose the best course of action while strategically achieving objectives. The overarching aim of this particular seminar is to help participants develop soft skills and enhance understanding on conflict management, contempt and negativity.

This programme provides practical help to enable participants to grasp the mind set of an expert trainer. Appreciating the ‘inner game’ of beliefs and values is crucial when designing and running a training program. The course also covers six skills sets that are essential to facilitating dynamic and powerful training events.

This unique programme aims to teach the participants to identify strengths and abilities of a pupil/youth that can go undetected in the formal educational environment. During this course participants will cover a range of teaching ideas and activities such as learner styles and multiple intelligences, using multimedia and modern technology to enliven lessons, motivate and encourage students to explore their talents and self- improvement.

The seminar is based on personality typology called Enneagram. The system describes 9 basic personality types with their specific motivations, values, strong points and challenges. The aim of the seminar is to introduce Enneagram, which is a personality typology model, and to enable the participants to apply the model in an educational setting.

The seminar gives teachers the opportunity to enhance their understanding of emotional intelligence and how to apply that understanding in a teaching role in informal environment and helping others to manage change and deal with stress.

This programme aims to equip teachers, trainers and office staff in universities and schools with the essential intercultural skills, knowledge and competencies required for working with international students. Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on the interpretation of the communication act and to the communication skills that enhance intercultural communication. After this course participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of personal, situational and cultural factors in intercultural communication.

During this course participants will have the opportunity to combine the acquisition of new knowledge and state-of-the-art insight into major aspects of internationalization today, with project management for thematic approach in specific topic for Erasmus+ KA1/KA2, Horizon2020 (Environment and Climate Action, Transport, etc.). Networking week will target you to increase connectedness, complexity of partnership, which fosters substantive ties among your possible partners.

Bridging the Gap

Mismatch between educational system and labour market is a challenging issue and in practice, this means ‘introducing business governance into schools, proper careers advice with direct links to business, and measuring the success of schools and universities based on the employment outcomes of pupils’. Hence, this important and universal challenge can be solved not only through the changes of study processes, but also with the help of proactive initiatives, such us traineeship (volunteering/work placement). This is where the role of Erasmus+ coordinators and officers as well as career advisors in educational institutions becomes crucial.

The Spanish for Teachers immersion course is a specialized course for Spanish teachers (primary school, secondary school, university) wishing to improve language skills and refresh or develop teaching methods and strategies.  The goal of this course is to provide educators with the tools they need to develop the written and oral proficiency of their students while providing them with new lesson planning techniques.The course has a strong emphasis on sharing experiences between participants and exchanging techniques and tools for teaching Spanish by collaboratively developing pedagogical sequences.

The French for Teachers immersion course is a specialized course for French teachers (primary school, secondary school, university) wishing to improve language skills and refresh or develop teaching methods and strategies.  The goal of this course is to provide educators with the tools they need to develop the written and oral proficiency of their students while providing them with new lesson planning techniques. The course has a strong emphasis on sharing experiences between participants and exchanging techniques and tools for teaching French by collaboratively developing pedagogical sequences.

3 swimming dolphins

This course is for those professionals who understand the necessity for inclusive education that can accommodate the needs of all learners, embracing learners with special needs, in terms of both teaching methods and facilities, and they are interested in becoming generators of progress towards this direction.

School principals, managers and teachers should know about health and safety when engaged in work or as future members of the workforce. This course will help you to identify risks and hazards in school, your duties and responsibilities and understand health and safety legislation.

Safety at work is fundamental and health and safety requires a committed management to be effective. Managing safely is suitable for managers, supervisors and any other responsible authority in any sector, and any organisation. It’s designed to get managers up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to handle health and safety in their premises.

Educational institutions are a common ground for injuries or illnesses. The provision of appropriate first aid in the workplace can contribute positively to maintaining life, minimizing the consequences of injury or illness and accelerating the time of convalescence. With the completion of this course, participants will be able to provide adequate aid to the person in need, until the advent of specialised care.

The seminar is a result of the findings of the Grundtvig multilateral project “Skills for True Wellbeing”. The contents and methods have been piloted by 7 organisations in 6 countries and have proven to be beneficial for developing skills that have positive impact on the level of wellbeing of the participants.
The seminar is centered on two main topics: “healthy self” and “healthy relationships” and corresponding sets of skills: 1) stress management and 2) communication as a foundation for enhancing wellbeing in educators

Officially Confirmed course sessions 2025 - 2026

Officially Confirmed course sessions 2025 - 2026


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