Explore the Power of Drama in Education

Description: Artistic activities are very important for students’ emotional, social and language development skills. These activities also provide great platform for exploring theoretical and practical aspects of foreign languages;

  • stimulate authentic conversations that aim at developing conversational competence among foreign language learners;
  • increase students’ motivation, participation, confidence and fluency as well as communication through the body language;
  • promote critical thinking and social awareness and understanding;
  • increase cultural awareness;
  • teach cooperation, empathy for others, decision-making skills and encourages the exchange of knowledge between the students;

During this course, participants will learn how drama activities can be incorporated into the curriculum material - how concepts, ideas, events, and people can be dramatized through improvisation, pantomime, and playwriting to stimulate interest, convey knowledge, gain comprehension, and improve retention.


European School Education Platform
Find us on EPALE
Dates and Locations

Barcelona, Spain

  • 04.–08.08.2025

Porto, Portugal

  • 05.–09.08.2024

Athens, Greece

  • 27.–31.01.2025


Don’t see the dates that suit your group?  Send us an e-mail with the proposed dates and location and we will get back to you.*

*- Only in case you are 7 or more persons from the same organisation.

Daily Programme


  • Introduction
  • Who is who
  • Best hopes from training (exercise)
  • What is drama? Theatre, play, storytelling, etc.
  • The history and use of drama
  • The use and benefits of drama in education ( for teachers+ students)
  • Research
  • Drama and emotional intelligence


  • Feedback and questions from Day 1
  • Drama and emotional intelligence
  • (Continue from day 1)
  • Drama and the teacher (beliefs+ thoughts). Because a classroom is the reflection of the teacher.
  • Video and exercises
  • Homework - my “What kind of teacher I am” list


  • Feedback and questions from Day 2
  • Discussion: “What kind of teacher I am” list
  • It's time for drama – getting ready
  • Ways of using drama in the classroom with exercises
  • Discussion
  • Homework: preparing my classroom drama curriculum
  • Reflection of the day


  • Feedback and questions from Day 3
  • My classroom drama curriculum – with role-playing
  • Closing and feedback


Cultural excursion in the local area


Competences Acquired by Participants

Specific objectives of the seminar are:

  • Create a cross-cultural environment to discuss and exchange ideas with colleagues
  • Help the participants to identify the most suitable approaches in the use of drama in their classroom
  • Introduce new areas of teaching methodologies and accompanying techniques, using hands-on experiential methods
  • Develop their self-reflection, communication and creativity skills and discuss how they can be utilized in an educational context
  • Enhance tolerance and appreciation of human diversity
  • Raise awareness of sound and body language as a personal tool of communication
Type of Certification of Attendance Awarded
  • Certificate of attendance including description of training content and time input
  • Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s NA
Course Packages
  1. Please note that ‘All in one – single room’ and ‘All in one – double room’ packages are being offered in all locations except London, Dublin, Barcelona, Athens, Porto, Lyon, Split and Pisa, where we have only the ‘Basic’ course package.       1. ‘ALL IN ONE – Single room’ PACKAGE - 1240€
    • Tuition fee and training material
    • Certificate of Competence
    • Welcome dinner
    • Accommodation in a Single room in a 3 or 4-star hotel (6 nights)
    • Full Board (5 days)
    • Administration costs
    • Coffee Breaks
    • Cultural visit

          2. ‘ALL IN ONE – Double Room Sharing’ PACKAGE- 1040€

    • Tuition fee and training material
    • Certificate of Competence
    • Welcome dinner
    • Accommodation - double room sharing in a 3 or 4-star hotel (6 nights)
    • Full Board (5 days)
    • Administration costs
    • Coffee Breaks
    • Cultural visit

    *Choose double room sharing if you are 2 colleagues from the same organisation willing to share a double room/ or if you have any accompanying person travelling to the venue of the course together with you (we can arrange the accommodation for accompanying persons as well).

           3. ‘BASIC’ course PACKAGE - 450€

    • Tuition fee and training material
    • Certificate of Competence
    • Welcome dinner
    • Administration costs
    • Coffee Breaks
    • Cultural visit

    Note: separate invoices for the training fee only (400 EUR) can be issued upon request from the organisation.

    DOREA as well offers group discounts in the case of 7 or more persons from the same organisation.




Pre-Registration Form

1Course Details
2Personal Information
3Funding Details
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
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