Since 2012 DOREA implemented numerous projects within ERASMUS+ programme KA2, KA1 and KA3: 11 projects as a project coordinator (host organisation), and 24 projects as a project partner (sending organisation). We have hosted around 400 project participants in our projects. The full list of DOREA Educational Institute projects can be seen below.

DOREA can join your project proposal too! DOREA’s general scope is to offer high quality non-formal education to adults and young people, covering the three main areas of non-formal education, that is socio-cultural (popular) education, education for personal development and professional training. If you are looking for a reliable partner with the excellent track record of the implemented projects, please do not hesitate to contact us: info@dorea.org . For your easy reference please see our partner information form (PIF).

DOREA staff has a vast experience in management and financial management of complex projects co-financed by the EU, and specifically in the areas of preparation of strategic documents, tenders, agreements and proposals, the financial management and monitoring, as well as, coordination of suppliers, and partners, among others, dissemination of the results. Staff members were/are involved in programmes such as ERASMUS+ KA1 and KA2, HORIZON 2020, INTERREG, FP7, MEDA, LLP, Life+, YIA, ESF, MED, ENPI MED.

DOREA could take part in your projects:

  • As local or international training course/workshop/seminar organiser
  • As developer of training material and manuals
  • As provider of expertise in personal and professional development of adults and youth
  • As developer of regional policies designed to support social enterprises
  • As supporter of entrepreneurship development and capacity building
  • As developer and supporter of e-learning platform
  • As strong partner in dissemination and exploitation of results at local, regional as well as national and international level

Projects as Coordinator

Projects as a Partner

Project Participants Hosted


ERASMUS+ KA2: Youth Involved in First Aid

EUinAID aims to improve skills and competences of youth and youth workers in the field of health Assistance, by developing and testing  an innovative approach to First Aid practice



ERASMUS+ KA2: Fairy Tale Genderology

The project will contribute to the better position of women in European society as well to increase awareness on gender and human rights issues among young people.



ERASMUS+ KA2: Design Your Job 3

This project is focusing on young adults who are NEET (not in education, employment or training) with aim to transfer participant’s concrete competences in graphic design and web development needed on the job market 


Two birds


The YES project helps Youth Workers to learn in practice entrepreneurship with all modern and digital tools, within their Venture Achievement Pathway, that is their business project idea/plan.


Two birds


The main goal of the project is the achievement of relevant and high-quality soft skills among vulnerable groups for employability, better social integration and more successful education.



This project objective is to influence adult European citizens and encourage them to take action in favour of a more tolerant Europe, respectful of human rights and obligations


ART project

EU Social Fund: Mobility Factory

The aim of the project is to raise the professional and key competences of 54 people aged 18-35 belonging to the NEET group from Poland by implementing a comprehensive activation programme including work experience 


ART project


The goal of the project is to improve the quality of public services related to youth entrepreneurship in the Cultural Sector within transnational partnership networks within two years.


ERASMUS+ KA2: Youthocracy vol. 2

The project strives towards the achievement of sustainable change in support of youth development through additional non-formal education for young people and networking opportunities for youth workers.


ERASMUS+ KA2: Creative Reading and Writing

The "Creative reading and writing: exchange of teaching strategies in adult education" project is designed to promote media literacy, exchange of experience and practices between organizations


ERASMUS+ KA3: Brussels Model European Union – 2019

Brussels Model European Union 2019 is an annual international simulation of European politics, that aims to involve Europe’s youth about the European project.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Video Impact

The Video Impact project aims to develop youth workers’ competences regarding video making as a powerful tool for promoting their organisations in order to reach young people



ERASMUS+ KA1: Supporting Tools On Prevention to Bullyism

The Erasmus+ youth workers mobility project aims to exchange experiences, gain knowledge, and adopt new methods in working with youngsters to prevent cyber bullying.



ERASMUS+ KA1: Be Your Own Boss

The project is a multilateral youth workers’ training which aims to bring together youth workers who have a  direct influence on bigger groups of young people and encourage youth to exploit their potential.



ERASMUS+ KA1: Core of Coaching

The Erasmus+ youth workers mobility project “Core of Coaching (CoC)” aims to improve the quality of youth work done in Europe, by focusing on the coaching and mentoring of volunteers.



ERASMUS+ KA1: Media Education - Al Challenges

The aim of the project is to create a place where youth workers can dialogue, make their own contribution, build paths and references to offer to young organic and uniform proposal on the theme of digital and media literacy.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Story of My Life

The projects aim to promote measures to combat xenophobia, discrimination and marginalization in countries of transit and destination for the refugees




The youth workers project aims to fight school failure, without underestimating the issues such as self-marginalization, a sense of rejection from others, disapproval by family and teachers, etc.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Debate for Understanding

The youth workers mobility project will be based on experiential learning and will focus on the idea of collaborative (instead of competitive) debating


LET project

ERASMUS+ KA1: LET- Learn-Educate-Teach

The project focuses on the f social inclusion, with particular emphasis on discrimination, stereotypes, intercultural learning, and exclusion.


red panda

ERASMUS+ KA1: Start-up skills for youth

The project aims to facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge between 35 first time young entrepreneurs/young people that have/had an entrepreneurial initiative about their entrepreneurial journey


ERASMUS+ KA1: Your Right to Happiness

The Youth Exchange aims to inform the participants about their HR and support their journey through them!  Young people will understand that all of the HR are applied in order to meet the overall Right, the Right to Happiness.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Social Therapy

The specific objective of the project is to provide youth workers with tools and methodologies to be able to promote the autonomy of young people and support them through tutoring and other activities.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Social City

Social City project will be an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practices among social workers and youth in order to raise awareness on urban social issues and to stimulate active participation of youth in the civic society.



ERASMUS+ KA1: Stop wasting time, Do more, Be more!

The projects focus on the problem of wasting time, which particularly applies to the young people living in well-developed countries.


Social innovations

ERASMUS+ KA1: Social Innovations

The project will improve a wide range of skills and competencies of participating youth workers and all the acquired knowledge and skills will reach a wide range of young people who will be motivated to become a part of a socially responsible and active society.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Erasmus Muse

A youth exchange where participants will get familiar with Art and Culture as its presented through the 9 Muses in an interactive way through creative workshops.


ERASMUS+ KA1: No more Whispers: Spreading EU goodness

No more Whispers project will focus to bring people from  Europe (EU and non-EU) and informing as well as interviewing them about their vision of the Europe of tomorrow through a live travel blog, videos and raising awareness about EU.

ERASMUS+ KA1: Working in Europe!! (WiE)

Working in Europe!! (WiE) is a youth exchange project that will focus on encouraging healthy behaviours by promoting outdoor activities and grassroots sport.

ERASMUS+ KA1: SUNemploymentΤΟΟ

The "SUNemploymentΤΟΟ" project aims to inform youth about situation of youth unemployment in different countries as well as about job and educational opportunities.


ERASMUS+ KA1: Own the Potential of Environment in Non-formal Education

OPEN Education project will focus on training and educating youth workers and youth organisations on how they can create learning context for youngsters in every situation.

ERASMUS+ KA1: Enter Unity - EU4U

The context and the origin of the project is the need of Europe to have young people actively engaged in the EU youth activities and the social need to empower them to do so.

Erasmus_youth work

ERASMUS+ KA1: Great Team Needs a Great Coach

The aim of this project is to improve the core competencies of participants in the field of youth work and the creation of tools for professionals working with young people.

ERASMUS+ KA1: First Step

FIRST STEP project focus to enhance youth workers capacities and skills to be able to motivate youth in taking the initiative of starting its own business and making a positive transition to the work field.

Youth in Action: Eco-People

Project’s idea is the promotion of more sustainable lifestyles and eco-friendly behaviors among young people.

ERASMUS+ KA2: The Young Side of the Moon

This project aims at promoting the exchanges and cooperation in the field of youth between youth organizations engaged in community development from different World-contexts: Europe, Asia and Africa.

Youth in Action: Teamwork Beats Unemployment

The project emphasized the youth unemployment issue in Europe also addressing the fact that the youth migration rate is very high due to the need of finding a job.

Youth in Action: Empowering Youth Participation in EU

This project is talking challenges: how do young people envision themselves as active citizens with a powerful say in the shaping of the Future of Europe? How can Europe help make their voice heard?

Youth in Action: A European Young Citizens' Initiative

The project aim is to encourage a reflection and a practice on the “European citizen’s initiative”, to encourage young people to work together on these initiatives' right.

Youth in Action: I Am an EU Citizen

This project aims to encourage youths from different EU countries to be proud of saying “I am an EU Citizen”.

Deadline for Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 in the field of youth is on 30th April 2019 12:00 CET








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