Video Impact
VIDEO IMPACT is 2-phase project (Training Course and Local Action Phase) that will gather 30 participants coming from 10 different countries: Cyprus, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Romania, United Kingdom, The Netherlands. The training course activity will take place in Limassol, Cyprus between 09.09.2019 and 18.09.2019.
The projects aim to develop youth workers’ competences regarding video making as a powerful tool for promoting their organisations in order to reach young people and increase their impact. Furthermore, we aim at having a multiplier effect, so by enhancing youth workers’ media literacy they will have the skills to enhance media literacy among youth in their organisations.
- To increase awareness among youth workers about the importance of video as a tool for disseminating their results and raise the visibility of their organisations in order to increase their impact.
- To provide youth workers with knowledge on how to create a story with a clear message, to film efficiently and to use media channels effectively in order to promote it and reach their target group.
- To develop youth worker’s skills in filming, editing and publishing videos.
- To learn-by-doing during the Training Course creating 6 promotional videos for 6 local organisations in the Cyprus, having a positive impact on the local level and supporting them to reach their target groups.
- To apply the knowledge and skills acquired by participants during the Training Course, coming back to their local organisations and creating 9 promotional videos for the 9 partner organisations involved on this project during the Local Action Phase.
- To disseminate the knowledge acting as multipliers and share the skills acquired during the Training Course by youth workers delivering media literacy workshops for youth in their organisations during the Local Action Phase.
Download the project info pack here.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-3-CY02-KA105-001413
VENUE: Limassol, Cyprus
- DOREA Educational Institute WTF, Cyprus
- Solidarity Mission, Greece
- L'Arca del Blues, Italy
- Stichting Heimat International Foundation, The Netherlands
- Synergy Bulgaria, Bulgaria
- Asociatia Zig Zag Prin, Romania
- Baltijos saviugdos centras, Lithuania
- Subtiluship C.I.C, United Kingdom
- Xeracion Valencia, Spain
- Keep the Change, Latvia