Supporting Tools on Prevention to Bullyism
“Supporting Tools On Prevention to Bullyism” (STOP Bullyism) is a Training Course that will be implemented in Tallinn on 21-27 February 2019, involving 24 participants (youth workers and youth educators) plus 1 trainer, 1 facilitator and 1 support staff, from 11 countries The main aim of this project is to get new perspectives, exchange experiences, gain knowledge, and adopt new methods in working with youngsters in and out of schools in order to prevent cyber bullying.
The objectives of this training course are:
• To exchange practices and share experiences among participants, related to bullying and cyber bullying;
• To gain knowledge about proper usage of social media and its connection to the topic;
• To become familiar with different tools and methods of non-formal education for prevention and work with youth;
• To provide knowledge and methods regarding cyber bullying, its impact, and its prevention, and provide guidelines for symptoms of victims, bystanders and actors and correlation factors;
• To improve and adapt existing available workshop contents, create new ones, and sublimate everything into an online “Workshop book” with detailed description of the activities regarding the topic of bullying with focus on cyber bullying;
• To exchange realities regarding the topics of the project in the participating countries;
• To build a sustainable network between organizations and to encourage future partnerships and projects Social media bullying may be one of the newer forms of bullying, but it could prove to be one of the most serious.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-2-EE01-KA105-047210
VENUE: Tallinn, Estonia