Brussels Model European Union - 2019
Brussels Model European Union 2019 is an annual international simulation of European politics, that aims to involve Europe’s youth about the European project. The aim of Brussels MEU is to increases dialogue and cultural exchange between European youth and policy makers, and to promote the participation of young people in democratic life. During the week of the simulation, 150 participants from more than 25 countries gather in a simulation of European decision-making and debate pressing topics of the EU agenda, taking on the role of Member of the European Parliament, Head of State, Minister in The Council, or journalist. As such, they incarnate the functions of real policy makers and encounter all the difficulties and necessary efforts to make European democracy work. By doing so they explore and develop soft skills like negotiation, diplomatic language, public speaking, team work and learn about Europe through intercultural dialogue. On the long term we believe that this contributes to a more politically-aware, politically-engaged generation. Additionally this provides an exceptional way to shape the leaders of tomorrow, be it on a local, national, European or global level. With all this incremental and gradual input to the society, Brussels MEU hopes to provide long-term structural benefits to EU institutions due to a better informed and a more engaged youth. Brussels MEU improves young people’s knowledge about Europe through non-formal education methods, and by doing so brings institutions closer to the citizens they represent and work for.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA3 Support for policy reform: Dialogue between young people and policy makers
PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-3-BE05-KA347-002578
VENUE: Brussels, Belgium
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Brussels Model European Union