DOREA Educational Institute is the largest training provider of Erasmus+ staff mobility courses in Cyprus. At the moment we offer more than 25 tailored training courses in 10 different locations across the Europe for academic and administrative staff members from schools, universities, colleges, VET, adult education centres and other organisations.

Erasmus+ confirmed courses for 2017

Dorea Team is happy to announce already confirmed Erasmus+ staff mobility training courses for 2017. These courses specially designed to meet HEI (Higher Education Institutions) staff, school staff (primary and secondary), and staff working in Adult Education Centres needs!

Join us at the sunny cities of Limassol, Palermo, Thessaloniki & Athens, in the cosmopolitan cities of Barcelona, London, Dublin & Munich or the majestic cities of Prague, Vilnius & Krakow

Please feel free to contact us at info@dorea.org, +357 25 25 66 06 and we are always available to organise a Skype meeting if You have any questions or if You would like to discuss possible cooperation (Skype handle: dorea.educational.institute).

Dates and locations


English-for-educators-(LEVEL-I)English for Educators: Set the Base (Level I)

  • 04 – 08 December 2017, London, United Kingdom

This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their level of spoken English. The course’s duration is one week. It aims to give participants a basic knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.


English-for-Educators-(LEVEL-II)English for Educators: Set the Base (Level II)

  • 06 – 10 November 2017, Dublin, Ireland

This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their level of spoken English. It aims to give participants an intermediate knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts. The course is for teachers/educators who have at least intermediate (B1) level of English, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

For more information, please, click here.

ICT-fo-educatorsICT for Educators: Empower Your Skills 

  • 16 – 20 October 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

This 5 days training course is focused on providing the most important information and hands-on practical tools that are needed for educators.

For more information about the course, please click here.


Team Work as a Means for Enhancing Productivity

  • 18 – 22 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain
  • 23  – 27 October 2017, Limassol, Cyprus
  • 13 – 17 November 2017, Barcelona, Spain

Delegates will be shown how they can best appreciate the other team members and coach them to develop the skills they have in order to create a confident, relaxed and constructive team.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Train-the-trainerTrain the Trainer

Dates and locations:
23 – 27 October 2017, Palermo, Italy

This programme provides practical help to enable participants to grasp the mindset of an expert trainer. Appreciating the ‘inner game’ of beliefs and values is crucial when designing and running a training program. The course also covers six skills sets that are essential to facilitating dynamic and powerful training events.

For more information, please, click here or check out the video from latest seminar here.

Managing-Cross-Cultural-issues-in-educationIntercultural Communication in Education

  • 11 – 15 September 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 04 – 08 December 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

This programme aims to equip teachers, trainers and office staff in universities and schools with the essential intercultural skills, knowledge and competencies required for working with international students. Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on the interpretation of the communication activities and to the communication skills that enhance intercultural communication.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.


School managementImproving School Management: from Single Person to a Common Strategy

  • 16 – 20 October 2017, Barcelona, Spain

This course is dedicated to school leaders and its team members and designed to demonstrate, analyse tools for creating a clear vision of the role of all elements of the organisation from a single person to a strategy of the whole school. Practical exercises will provide participants possibility to learn methods in creation “whole school approach”, share good practices of Human Resource Management, learn effective strategic planning, increase knowledge how to establish effective cooperation with parents, etc. In all, participants will be empowered to organise their own quality system.

For more information, please, click here.

Bridging-the-gapBridging the Gap between Academia and Industry: A Master Class Course for Erasmus+ Officers & Career Advisors

  • 25 – 29 September 2017, Palermo, Italy

The mismatch between the educational system and labour market is a challenging issue and in practice, this means ‘introducing business governance into schools, proper careers advice with direct links to business, and measuring the success of schools and universities based on the employment outcomes of pupils’. Hence, this important and universal challenge can be solved not only through the changes of study processes, but also with the help of proactive initiatives, such us traineeship (volunteering/work placement).

For more information, please, click here.

migrating geeseRefugees and Immigrants: Social Inclusion to EU through Non-Formal Education

  • 06 – 10 November 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

The training course targets teachers and educators aiming the development of their personal and social skills along with self-awareness regarding (dealing with) discrimination in everyday life, their work and their societies. The main theme of the training will be focused on raising awareness of the realities, possibilities and new tools for work with marginalised groups fighting social exclusion.

For more information about the course, please click here.

Emotional-IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence

  • 02 – 06 October 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

The seminar gives the opportunity to the teachers to enhance the understanding of emotional intelligence and how to apply that understanding in a teaching role in informal environments and helping others to manage change and deal with stress.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Handling-Stress-and-avoiding-burnoutHandling Stress and Avoiding Burnout

  • 09 – 13 October 2017, Barcelona, Spain

Raise understanding of stress and burnout, its causes, effects and how to deal with it.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Understand-Yourself-Understand-Your-learnersUnderstand Yourself, Understand Your Learners (Enneagram)

  • 02 – 06 October 2017, Prague, Czech Republic

This programme aims to equip teachers and trainers with the essential skills, knowledge and competencies required for working globally, cross-culturally and remotely both in formal and informal roles and helping others to develop their multi-cultural awareness.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Identify-the-hidden-talent-in-the-classroomIdentify the Hidden Talent in Your Classroom

  • 11 – 15 December 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

This unique training course aims to teach the participants to identify strengths and abilities of a pupil/youth that can go undetected in the formal educational environment.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.


BeeEDUpreneurship: Entrepreneurship in Education

  • 20 – 24 November 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

Education institutions are under increasing pressure to become responsive to student needs, and there is growing scrutiny of their role in local communities. By supporting entrepreneurs, institutions can broaden the student experience and make an economic and social impact. The EDUpreneurship training aims to make education more student-led, through the implementation of entrepreneurship programs for its students.

For more information about the course, please click here.

Securing-EU-fundingSecuring EU funding for 2014-2020: The Key to Success

  • 13 – 17 November 2017, Palermo, Italy

This is a Masterclass course designed for people involved in the preparation and submission of EU funded proposals.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.


NETWORKINGNetworking Week: HORIZON 2020

  • 25  – 29 September 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

During this course, participants will have the opportunity to combine the acquisition of new knowledge and state-of-the-art insight into major aspects of internationalisation today, with project management for the thematic approach on a specific topic for Erasmus+ KA1/KA2, Horizon2020 (Environment and Climate Action, Transport, etc.).

For more information, please, click here.



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