by dorea | 24 Nov, 2017 |
SPLIT, CROATIA Croatia's second-largest city, Split (Spalato in Italian) is a great place to see Dalmatian life as it’s really lived. Always buzzing, this exuberant city has just the right balance of tradition and modernity. Step inside Diocletian’s Palace (a Unesco...
by dorea | 24 Nov, 2017 |
DUBLIN, IRELAND The capital of Ireland was originally founded as a Viking settlement and played an important historical role well until the 19th century. The medieval and Gregorian history is still very tangible in the city center, with its cobblestone streets and...
by dorea | 24 Nov, 2017 |
LYON, FRANCE Lyon, also written Lyons in English, is the third largest city in France and centre of the second largest metropolitan area in the country. It is the capital of the Rhone-Alpesregion and the Rhône département. It is known as a gastronomic and historical...
by dorea | 24 Nov, 2017 |
VARNA, BULGARIA Bulgaria’s third city and maritime capital, Varna is the most interesting and cosmopolitan town on the Black Sea coast. A combination of port city, naval base and seaside resort, it’s an appealing place to while away a few days, packed with history yet...
by dorea | 24 Nov, 2017 |
THESSALONIKI, GREECE Thessaloniki (or Salonica), the capital of Macedonia Prefecture, is the second largest city in Greece, after Athens. In fact, the town is honorarily called “co-capital”, for its historical and administrative importance. The history of...