Opportunities with Erasmus+ for youth in Cyprus

Opportunities with Erasmus+ for youth in Cyprus

Opportunities with DOREA DOREA Team is looking for participants from Cyprus to participate in upcoming Erasmus+ youth workers mobility training that will take place in Sardinia (Italy). For more information about the project, please see below.   Erasmus+ Youth...

Participate in Erasmus+ training course in MALTA

Participate in Erasmus+ training course in MALTA

Opportunities with DOREA DOREA Team is looking for 2 participants from Cyprus to participate in upcoming Erasmus+ youth workers mobility training that will take place in Malta. For more information about the project, please see below.   Erasmus+ Youth workers...

We are HIRING!

We are HIRING!

Join our TEAM!   DOREA is looking for trainers/teachers to join our team for exiting and one of the biggest teacher's conference in Cyprus in 2019. Become a part of our trainers' team and gain unforgettable teaching...

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