ERASMUS+ KA1 Staff mobility courses by DOREA

DOREA Educational Institute is the largest training provider of Erasmus+ staff mobility courses in Cyprus. At the moment we offer more than 25 tailored training courses in 10  countries across the Europe (Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus).

All the courses are specially designed to meet HEI (Higher Education Institutions) school (primary and secondary), VET, and Adult Education Centres’ staff needs !

Below You can find already confirmed upcoming courses for this year.

Please note that if you have a group of 6 staff or more, we can organise training at any convenient dates.

Upcoming Training Courses


Lion cubsTeam Work as a Means for Enhancing Productivity

24 – 28 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain

Delegates will be shown how they can best appreciate the other team members and coach them to develop the skills they have in order to create a confident, relaxed and constructive team. Experiential and group exercises demonstrate how to bring teams closer together by making communication more clear and direct.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Understand-Yourself-Understand-Your-learnersUnderstand Yourself, Understand Your Learners (Enneagram)

14 – 18 November 2016, Krakow, Poland

This programme aims to equip teachers and trainers with the essential skills, knowledge and competencies required for working globally, cross culturally and remotely both in formal and informal roles, and helping others to develop their  multi-cultural awareness.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

Train-the-trainerTrain the Trainer

Dates and locations:
21 – 25 November 2016, Limassol, Cyprus

12 – 16 December 2016, Barcelona, Spain

This programme provides practical help to enable participants to grasp the mind set of an expert trainer. Appreciating the ‘inner game’ of beliefs and values is crucial when designing and running a training program. The course also covers six skills sets that are essential to facilitating dynamic and powerful training events.

For more information, please, click here or check out the video from latest seminar here.

NETWORKINGNetworking Week: Erasmus+ KA1

28 November – 02 December 2016, Limassol, Cyprus

During this course participants will have the opportunity to combine the acquisition of new knowledge and state-of-the-art insight into major aspects of internationalization today, with project management for thematic approach in specific topic for Erasmus+ KA1/KA2, Horizon2020 (Environment and Climate Action, Transport, etc.). Networking week will target you to increase connectedness, complexity of partnership, which fosters substantive ties among your possible partners. It will give you opportunity to receive contemporary information from European Commission directly.

For more information, please, click here.

Managing-Cross-Cultural-issues-in-educationIntercultural Communication in Education

28 November  – 02 December 2016, Prague, Czech Republic

This programme aims to equip teachers, trainers and office staff in universities and schools with the essential intercultural skills, knowledge and competencies required for working with international students. Emphasis is given to the influence of culture on the interpretation of the communication act and to the communication skills that enhance intercultural communication. After this course participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of personal, situational and cultural factors in intercultural communication.

For more information, please, click here.

Identify-the-hidden-talent-in-the-classroomIdentify the Hidden Talent in Your Classroom

05  – 09 December 2016, Limassol, Cyprus

This unique programme aims to teach the participants to identify strengths and abilities of a pupil/youth that can go undetected in the formal educational environment. During this course participants will cover a range of teaching ideas and activities such as learner styles and multiple intelligences, using multimedia and modern technology to enliven lessons, motivate and encourage students to explore their talents and self- improvement.

For more information, please, click here or check out the video from latest seminar here.

Handling-Stress-and-avoiding-burnoutHandling Stress and Avoiding Burnout

05 – 09 December 2016, Prague, Czech Republic

Stress is inevitable. It walks in and out of our lives on a regular basis. Burnout is a mixture of professional exhaustion, and disillusionment with other people, the organization, or the career, over the long term. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to minimize and cope with stress and learn how to avoid burnout.

For more information, please, click here or check out our photos from latest seminar here.

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