“VIeW – Empowered Women” project

At the end of April 2024, a transformative training course for over 20 young women from Spain, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Cyprus took place in Vilnius, Lithuania hosted by Tavo Europa. This empowering initiative was part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “VIEW,” focused on equipping young women with the tools and knowledge to become changemakers.

ViEW project-Ukrainian youthTraining in Vilnius, Lithuania

The training delved into crucial topics like civil awareness, digital skills, the power of digital storytelling, and the importance of mental health. Participants also explored cultural diversity and connected with inspiring organizations like Women Go Tech and Ukreate Hub, working towards women’s empowerment. An important event of the week was meeting with young people from a Ukrainian youth group in Lithuania. Their firsthand experiences of the war in Ukraine resonated deeply with the participants, fostering a sense of solidarity and a shared commitment to action. The final day brought participants to LRT – Lithuanian National Radio and Television. Here, participants gained valuable insights into creating impactful awareness campaigns, drawing inspiration from real-world examples. This ignited their creative spark, motivating them to develop their campaigns.

Future of the VIeW projectViEW project - visit to LRT

The VIEW project goes beyond the training itself. It aims to create a lasting impact by connecting and engaging youth workers and female volunteers across partner countries. It seeks to build competencies and inspire participants to launch inclusive national campaigns, both online and offline. These campaigns will tackle issues like human rights violations and environmental irresponsibility while promoting resilience in the face of war and fostering the inclusion of diverse women and Ukrainian refugees.

The training in Vilnius marked a significant step towards achieving the VIEW project’s ambitious goals. By equipping young women with the necessary skills and fostering a spirit of collaboration, the project paves the way for a more inclusive and empowered future.

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