DOREA would like to invite organisations to join our already prepared project proposals for Erasmus+ KA1 Youth workers mobility projects for the upcoming application deadline 2nd of February 2017.

Project proposals


Please see below more information about our project proposals which you can join as a partner organsation for the upcoming call.


Project title: Brand New Me

Description: The aim of the project will focus on tackling youth unemployment by creating tool for youth workers in work with young people, encourage their personal development, boosting their self-esteem in process of integration to labour marker with introduction of current technology. Project’s main formula: Social media + Digital tools + Story telling = Personal branding for youth.

For more information, please click here.

If you are interested in the project, please fill out this form until 17th January 2017.


Project title: Miles in My Shoes

Description: The main aim of the project is to increase the quality of youth work services for migrants and refugees by equipping youth workers (coordinators, facilitators, mentors) with competencies in facilitating experiential learning.

For more information, please click here.

If you are interested in the project, please fill out this form until 17th January 2017.


Project title: Beat Unemployment! Hire Yourself!

Project: The theme of the project is employability, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and self-employment and it is aligned with the interest and needs of young people living in the European Union. The project will focus to serve the learning process of youth workers combining creativity and entrepreneurship skills, using experiential games as well as other non-formal educational methods as well as promoting curiosity and positivity to serve the process of their coming together for this particular experience.

For more information, please click here.

If you are interested in the project, please fill out this form until 17th January 2017.


Project title: Build Your Career – Start with an Internship

Description: This project is focused on training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations in European countries. This training course aims at bringing together those who work with youth, who will exchange the good practices of empowering students for starting their internships and enhancing them to be active in the labour market.

For more information, please click here.

If you are interested in the project, please fill out this form until 17th January 2017.


Project title: Coaching Young Entrepreneurs – Providing Support in making the Second Step

Description: Youth unemployment in EU is a challenge for policy makers implementing Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, a crucial number of educated young people do not have capacities for employment in a labour market. Second Step consortium will express each partners interest, such as:

  • to encourage young people of active and better integration to labour market;
  • to incorporate the knowledge that have been developed within the previous projects (especially FIRST STEP);
  • to motivate young people that have fewer opportunities;
  • to improve youth workers tools working with current youth generation which focus on technological solutions in communication, expressive their ideas;
  • to raise awareness on EU and EC work on entrepreneurship, etc.

For more information, please click here.

If you are interested in the project, please fill out this form until 17th January 2017.


If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us: or tel: +357 25256606.

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