Join our TEAM!
DOREA is looking for trainers/teachers to join our team for exiting and one of the biggest teacher’s conference in Cyprus in 2019. Become a part of our trainers’ team and gain unforgettable teaching experience!
Dates: 14th – 17th of October
Location: Coral Bay (Paphos), Cyprus
Participants: Teachers and administrative staff
The trainer can be not necessary from Paphos- we can cover the travel cost from your location to Paphos or, if needed, provide accommodation
Teaching positions
We are looking for the English Language, Digital skills and Soft skills teachers/trainers who could deliver these courses:
- English for Educators (Level I & Level II)
- Gamification and Augmented Reality in Education
- Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
Teaching hours: 9:00 – 14:00 (Monday to Thursday – 4 days)
English for Educators (Level I & Level II)
This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their English level. It aims to give participants knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts.
More information: Level I and Level II
Gamification & Augmented Reality in Education
The course aims to introduce participants with 6 clusters of innovative pedagogies putting emphasis on the Gamification and using Augmented Reality in education. During the course participants will learn about key elements for the effective implementation of pedagogical principles of play and games (gamification) and augmented reality in the formal learning in order to make learning fun and engaging.
More information here.
Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
The course aims to introduce participants to 6 clusters of innovative pedagogies putting emphasis on the Blended Learning. During the course participants will learn about various forms of blended learning including Flipped Classroom and how to apply it in practise. Participants will also discuss challenges of implementing blended learning and how to overcome them.
More information here.
How to apply?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or tel: +357 25256606.
To apply for the position, please fill in the form here before 10th of September.
* Priority will be give to the residents of Cyprus