We are happy to announce the new session dates for Erasmus+ staff mobility courses online.  During the online courses you will have the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas both with the trainer and your colleagues across Europe.

Like traditional (face to face) Erasmus+ courses, the online courses will last 5 days, and participants will receive the attendance as well as Europass certificates (electronic and paper version). The online courses will be a combination of pre-recorded videos and live sessions as well as “homework” assignments.

The total duration: 20 hours

Course price: 350€ (full course)

Such online courses are a great solution for organisations that have to finalize their project activities as well as for the educators who do not wish to travel during this uncertain period.



English for Educators 

This course is ideal for all those educators and administrative staff who want to improve their English level. It aims to give participants a basic knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts.  Apply here.


Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom

  • 07.-11.12.2020

Blended learning seeks to use the potential of new technology to offer more individualized teaching and direct instruction. During the course, participants will learn about various forms of blended learning including Flipped Classroom and how to apply it in practice. Apply here.


Promoting STEAM Education through Teacher Training

  • 23.-27.11.2020

The training course will focus on enriching STEAM curriculum through innovative activities for students, available learning and teaching resources as well as enriching educator’s skills in engaging and motivating their students. Apply here.



Intercultural Communication

  • 30.11-04.12.2020

This course aims to equip teachers, trainers and office staff in universities and schools with the essential intercultural skills, knowledge and competencies required for working with international students. After this course participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of personal, situational and cultural factors in intercultural communication. Apply here.




Identify the Hidden Talent in your Classroom

  • 30.11-04.12.2020

The course aims to show the participants how to identify the strengths and abilities of a student that can go undetected in the formal educational environment. During this course, participants will cover a range of teaching ideas and activities such as multiple intelligences, using technology, motivating students to explore their talents, etc. Apply here.



For more information about the online courses, please contact us at or call us +357 25 25 66 06. We  will be happy to answer all your questions and help you to find the solution that suits your needs best.

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