EDU-NEWS corner: 5th – 9th June 2023
Weekly Roundup World Environment Day On the 5th of June, we observe World Environment Day, with this year's focus centred on the urgent need to combat plastic pollution under the theme #BeatPlasticPollution. It is crucial to recognize that plastic packaging has...
EDU-NEWS corner: 29th May – 2nd June 2023
Weekly Roundup Wildfires: EU doubles rescEU firefighting fleet for summer 2023 The EU is doubling its rescEU aerial firefighting fleet for this year’s wildfire season, with 24 aeroplanes and 4 helicopters from 10 Member States, including Germany, Sweden, and...
EDU-NEWS corner: 22nd – 26th May 2023
Weekly Roundup Changing the method of early childhood education Overburdened, inadequately equipped, and lacking expertise. Educators in early childhood education and care (ECEC) throughout Europe and Central Asia have expressed their concerns. The combination...
EDU-NEWS corner: 15th – 19th May 2023
Weekly Roundup Citizens’ Panel: 21 recommendations to expand learning mobility for all 150 citizens representing all 27 EU countries offered suggestions for improving accessibility and promoting learning mobility with Europe. These suggestions will help the...
Women empowerment. Study visit in Poland
Study visit DOREA is inviting trainers, educators, youth workers, activists and anyone interested in women empowerment topic living in Cyprus to take part in an upcoming study visit that will take place from the 4th to the 8th of June 2023, in Lublin, Poland. The...
EDU-NEWS corner: 8th – 12th May 2023
Weekly Roundup European SME Week 2023: Get to know more about the event The European SME Week 2023 is set to take place from 13th – 17th November 2023 in Bilbao, the biggest city in Basque Country. The event is going to be a great opportunity for small and...
Youth exchange in Avala, Serbia
Youth Exchange ‘’Eco-Entrepreneurship: Future is Green’’ From 20th to 27th of April 2023, youth exchange was implemented in Avala, Belgrade, Serbia, where 35 youth participants from North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cyprus were...
The future is green! Study visit in North Macedonia
Study visit DOREA is inviting youth workers and entrepreneurs living in Cyprus to take part in an upcoming study visit that will take place from the 22nd to the 28th of June 2023, in Struga, North Macedonia. The study visit is organised as a part of the Erasmus+ KA2...
Looking for Erasmus+ KA2 partners
Cooperation with DOREA DOREA Team is looking for a coordinating organisation and partner organisations for the Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerships for cooperation projects that will be submitted in an upcoming call on the 22nd of March, 2023. 1) “Adult education-...