by DOREA | 10 Dec, 2018 |
FAIRY TALE GENDEROLOGY After a long discussion, project partners have come to conclusion that young people in Europe are still facing gender inequality and they are exposed to gender-based violence. Thus, there is a need to introduce concepts and activities to build...
by DOREA | 10 Dec, 2018 |
YOUTH INVOLVED IN FIRST AID EUinAID project stems from a reflection on training on First Aid in Europe. The World First Aid Day in 2009 highlighted that different approaches to training on First Aid are existing among countries, with a significant gap in Europe in...
by DOREA | 30 Aug, 2018 |
Supporting Tools on Prevention to Bullyism “Supporting Tools On Prevention to Bullyism” (STOP Bullyism) is a Training Course that will be implemented in Tallinn on 21-27 February 2019, involving 24 participants (youth workers and youth educators) plus 1 trainer, 1...
by DOREA | 29 Mar, 2018 |
Core of Coaching The Erasmus+ youth workers mobility project “Core of Coaching (CoC)” wants to improve the quality of youth work done in Europe, by focusing on the coaching and mentoring of volunteers. The main objectives of CoC are:Improve the coaching...
by DOREA | 29 Mar, 2018 |
Be Your Own Boss The project is a multilateral youth workers’ training which involves nine (9) different partners from Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Italy, Spain) in order to bring together youth workers who a have direct influence on...