EUinAID project stems from a reflection on training on First Aid in Europe. The World First Aid Day in 2009 highlighted that different approaches to training on First Aid are existing among countries, with a significant gap in Europe in terms of % of people trained on First Aid (e.g. 80% in Austria; 0,3 % in Hungary). Enhancing training on First Aid among the general public and - in particular - the Youth could represent an excellent way to empower them. It will make them aware of the fact that such skills can really make the difference in Society as an expression of active citizenship, and a practice of Solidarity, contributing to build and spread a sense of community belonging, as well as strengthening Youth employability.
Therefore, EUinAID aims to improve skills and competences of youth, especially NEETs (18-25) and youth workers in the field of health Assistance, by developing and testing at EU level an innovative transnational approach to First Aid practice based on Youth engagement and training, developing and straightening Youth hard-soft skills on the matter of First Aid, and spreading awareness about the importance of such practice for Health Assistance and the Society, as a whole.
A creation of a stable network of relevant stakeholders will be set in the perspective of project sustainability and follow up, supported by the functioning of a multilingual e-training Platform. A sound communication and dissemination strategy, including First Aid awareness campaigns - through street events, activities in schools, and targeted publications/video products. A Large Scale Youth Event in Turin will be co-designed and co-managed by the young involved in the blended learning mobility programme foreseen by project.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia
DURATION: 01/11/2018- 30/04/2020
TOTAL BUDGET: 149 782,50 EUR
- S.O.G.IT - Croce Di San Giovanni-Sezione Di Settimo Torinese, Italy (Coordinator)
- Johannita Segito Szolgalat, Hungary
- Johanniter International, Belgium
- Johanniter Osterreich Ausbildung Und Forschung Gemeinnutzige Gmbh, Austria
- Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Dernegi, Turkey
- De Maos Dadas Pela Vida, Brazil
- DOREA Educational Institute WTF, Cyprus