‘’SUNemploymentTOO’’ through our eyes


On 2nd of August, the DOREA Educational Institute team boarded the plane to Thessaloniki, Greece to reach the final destination Komotini, where the Erasmus youth exchange ‘’SUNemploymentTOO’’ took place.

We had one day to enjoy and explore and fall in love with the Greek culture in Thessaloniki and 8 days to learn and share what unemployment means for Greece, Slovenia, Cyprus, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal.



The topic of this Youth Exchange was the employment situation of young people during summer. Indeed it is really a hot topic especially during this period of the year as many young people have temporary jobs during summertime and are unemployed again afterward.

For 8 days, the participants discussed, debated, organized and participated in many non-formal activities and workshops while trying to propose solutions for the youth employment issue.



However, above all, this youth exchange was the opportunity for young Europeans to make a connection with people from others countries. We discovered new cultures, languages and cuisine thanks to the many intercultural evenings organized. We broaden our minds, learned to be more open to differences and tolerant of each other.



Amazing things happened within this group of people, we saw great cooperation during the group activities: team building, mutual respect, and friendship.



The result of this Youth Exchange was not only improved knowledge and understanding about youth unemployment issue but also human experience focused on sharing and receiving good practice with people, and of course new friendships.



We are looking forward to our next youth exchange. Once Erasmus always Erasmus!



Prepared by Nikoleta, Raluca, Emilija, Celine and Olga


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