About the project:

“The young side of the Moon” was funded by the EU through the ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of youth, united 8 partners from Europe, Asia and Africa (Italy, Latvia, Greece, Cyprus, Kenya, India, Vietnam, Senegal). It gave the opportunity for youth workers to strengthen their knowledge in project management, strengthen partnership among consortium and created links among new partners.

Project outcomes

In the very end of the project consortium can present you a booklet. This tool targets youth workers that are engaged in community work with disadvantaged young people. Overall it aims to provide inspiration and guidelines to provide youth workers with knowledge, key competences and practical tools needed for the development and delivery of community-based projects that responds to identified young people community’s needs. The booklet gives also an inside look of a common learning pathway on youth work and community development as experienced in different regions of the World.

Project partnership created great base for future collaboration. At the moment DOREA is keeping in touch with different organisations from consortium and working in different other projects (Erasmus+, INTERREG, Europe for Citizens). Without a doubt that such project provided all participants, organisations gain knowledge, share good practices, get to know amasing project that we do all over the world tackling youth challenges in nowadays society. Built network boosted cooperation in different activities and continues opportunities to share good practices, teach each other and support great ideas.

Download the booklet and watch project video.

EU flag-Erasmus+_blackThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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