5 organisations from Poland, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Portugal are working together within Erasmus+ KA2 project “Raising Equality and Cultural Tolerance (REaCT)” in order to influence adult European citizens and encourage them to take action in favour of a more tolerant Europe, respectful of human rights and obligations, which entails a refugee population exceeding our borders.
The results of this project will generate and disseminate positive messages, aimed at achieving compatible coexistence respectful of one another European citizens and the “newcomers” (refugees, migrants, repatriated persons).
The project has been ongoing for a year already and we have already reached important milestones. Soon we will be ready to share important findings and material with you. As the project aims to address adult training institutions, trainers and workers in those institutions and adult learners from our regions to share the project results and training material, please feel free to share the newsletter with the people that may be interested.
For more information about the project, please visit project website or Facebook page.
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite” [ N. Mandela]
Teachers from Italy have presented Lessons of tolerance – conceptualization method to the fellow colleagues from Poland, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal. Together they have shared the best practice as well as worked towards designing their own positive messages, to face the migration crisis and promote the process of reception.
While the teachers and trainers were working on Positive message method, project managers from partner organisations discussed ongoing project activities – development of tolerance lessons using different methods (6 thinking hats, Debates, Inquiry, Radar and Designing positive messages methods), quality assurance questionnaires and further requirements as well as dissemination plan and activities. Partners also had a great discussion and presented their ideas about the development of guide and its visual representation. Furthermore project managers have discussed upcoming meetings and testing of the classes developed using the 6 methods.
All partners have agreed that project is going according to the plan and they are excited to continue working together.
On the 13th of November, project managers with teachers have participated in “Intercultural Policing” event organized by Intercultural Council of Limassol. The event started with the welcome speech by the Mayor of Limassol and Chief of Limassol Directorate, Cyprus Police.
Followed by the welcome speeches, the representatives of Limassol Intercultural Council Mr Nenad Bogdanovic and Mr Aleksandar Grbic presented the Limassol Intercultural Strategy 2018 – 2020.
Social worker Mrs Christina Tsiamparta have presented the Social and Integration projects in Limassol. After the presentation guest speakers from Portugal and Spain have given the overview of the Lisbon and Fuenlabrada and Madrid Community Policing.
Participants had an opportunity to meet the Mayor of Limassol, Police chief of Cyprus, police representatives from Portugal and Spain as well as other immigrants and locals and share opinions and views of issues related to immigration and migrants/refugees in
Europe and how communities/countries are dealing with it . Project participants also had a chance to promote the “REACT” project and the upcoming
project outcomes. Meeting with Mayor of Limassol and community police at “Intercultural Policing” organized by Intercultural Council of Limassol
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