Weekly Roundup
World Mental Health Day
The 10th of October is known as World Mental Health Day. This day was created to raise awareness about mental illness and wellbeing. Mental health is a state of being, just like physical health. Care and support can help us when feeling unwell mentally.
Intercultural Classrooms
Every day we get confronted with a world where intolerance, preconceptions, ignorance and fear of differences sometimes are the common denominators. That is why educational institutions have a key role in developing in developing intercultural and global competences of students. According to Darla Deardoff, executive director of the Association of International Education Administrators, give these competences the targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to visible behaviour and communication in intercultural set ups.
Click here for the complete article.
Challenges of Diversity
On 27th of September EPALE UK and EPALE Ireland organised a seminar to celebrate European Year of Cultural Heritage as part of their on-going collaboration. Given both the history of conflict on the island of Ireland often expressed or explained via cultural heritage and the demographic changes of the past few decades in terms of immigration, it was decided to look at diversity and the challenges this presents societies in terms of expressing and sharing cultural heritage.
For more about the seminar and challenges of diversity click here.
The Benefits of Partnerships in Adult Learning
A successful partnership in adult learning can drive innovation and best practices. Aleksandra Kozyra from the European Association for the Education of Adults shares her stories of cooperation across Europe. According to Aleksandra, do good adult education initiatives and strategies not happen in isolation. The main benefits of partnerships in adult learning are: building structures, building learning-centred approaches and diving innovation.
For more details about the benefits click here.
Free Healthy Meals in Schools
Free and quality meals will be served in nursery schools of the French community of Belgium. 78 nursery schools will distribute free and nutritional quality meals based on local products. This decisions has been taken under a pilot project which has the purpose of helping families who do not necessarily have the means to finance their children’s complete meals.
Find out more about this project here.
Supporting Special Educational Needs in Every Classroom
More teachers all over Europe face the challenge of integrating students with special needs in their mainstream classes. This is partly the outcome of a general trend towards accommodating childrent with special needs in mainstream schools rather than in special school settings. This trend is a necessary move towards more inclusive education systems, however, it does provide new challenges to educators.
Read more here.
Why student entrepreneurship is vital for the sustainable growth of our societies
Entrepreneurship is necessary for societies to grow sustainably. Rather than blaming the lack of resources, for example, money and time, for failures in education systems, young people should be recognised as resources of their personal and collaborative learning.
Learn more about entrepreneurship in education here.
MINCE, a Model for Inclusive Community Education
People with disabilities are often left on the edges of the communities while their social inclusion and community participation remain resolved. The aim of the MINCE project is to improve the inclusion of people with several and/or multiple disabilities in the community.
Read more about MINCE here.
Prepared by Dimyana Salib