Weekly Roundup


gender and gender based violenceEducating Young people about gender and gender based violence

If you want to bring positive change, you care about social justice, gender equality and a world free of violence. This course will give you new skills to improve existing ones. A course with educational approaches or activities on how to explore the topic of gender. The team “New Generation project” are working in different youth organizations as youth workers or trainers. In this course they would like to share out experience and expertise related work with young people on gender and gender based violence. The duration of the course is 5 weeks and will be dated on May 24 till Jun 26. There are no requirements needed to participate this course and it is free of charge.

Enroll for this course here.

video gamesSpelling scrambles or 3D shooters? What teachers misunderstand about video games

Digital games are being used more and more for educational purposes. However, the distinction between good and bad games might be used the wrong way around. Fortnite for instance is seen as a “bad” game, whose purpose is to be fun. But what if we used these games to teach? Video games are not the holy grail of education, but they can be a powerful learning tool among others if used wisely, and a fantastic side effect is that they are an awful lot of fun.

Read the full article here.

Blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired young people get acquainted with Europass

Cedefop received a group of 75 young people and youth workers. The group consisted of blind, visually impaired and sighted youngsters. The group travelled to Thessaloniki in the framework of an Erasmus+Youth/Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation project run by the Youthorama NGO. The purpose of the visit was to get experience of the Europass CV for the blind and visually impaired.  Cedefop presented the Europass CV and the accessible CV editor developed for the blind and visually impaired users.

Read more about the project here.

Eco-SchoolsEco-Schools, the largest global sustainable schools program is a friend of eTwinning

Eco-School celebrate 25 years of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development. The greatest strength is the generations of sustainable minded and environmentally conscious people. They challenge students to tackle environmental problems at a level where they can see tangible results, encouraging them to make a difference. For all the great work, Eco-Schools has been recognized by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014.

Read full article here.

universities of applied sciencesFive things you always wanted to know about universities of applied sciences

Universities of applied sciences offers bachelors and master programs, combining theoretical and practical skills. You can find these universities in many European countries. Universities of applied sciences are most of the time close to the market, where teachers work in their field of expertise and teach, allowing students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical way. Classes can be small and specialized in programs in a certain field or large offering a broad choice of programs. After graduation you will have theoretical knowledge, practical skills and work experience. You will hold the papers to launch your career anywhere in the world.

Learn more here.

Mindfulness retreats for educators Mindfulness retreats for educators –Sustaining Ourselves: breaking free from burn-out

The Sharpham Trust recently organized a mindfulness retreat aimed at educators. The mindfulness retreats are meant for those who suffer from burn-out throughout the year. There has been a real drive to encourage teachers to practice mindfulness techniques in order to better manage stress and potential burn-out. The Journal of Affective Disorder published a study that examines links between teacher and student wellbeing. Results showed that there is a connection between a teachers and student wellbeing and psychological distress, as well as a connection between a teacher’s depression and a student’s wellbeing. It is important to manage a teacher’s mental health to create a healthy learning environment.

Read the full study here.

apprenticeship Number of people starting an apprenticeship on the rise

The Department of Education shows in March that the number of people choosing to take apprenticeships is on the rise. There has been a 10% rise in the last year. The minister of State at the Department for Education believes there is much to celebrate. Apprenticeships allows for a good assessment at the end of the course. Helping to develop a strong and highly skilled workforce. Apprenticeships are offered to people of all ages and there are a lot of different kinds of offers.

Learn more about it here.

Cyprus-UK educational relations‘Bright future’ for Cyprus-UK educational relations

The oldest university network in the world, The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), will soon open an office in Cyprus. The ACU has 530 members in 50 countries. This new collaboration will create new opportunities to strengthen higher education in post-Brexit UK-Cyprus.  Head of the British Council in Cyprus, James Martin outlined the main findings. “Strong people-to-people links have ensured that UK higher education is a front-of-mind destination for Cyprus, and there is a desire to maintain this,” he said. “Despite the political uncertainty there are a lot of opportunities in Cyprus, among them an increase in transnational education”.



Prepared by Rachel van Wetten


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