Weekly Roundup


Fake newsNext steps against fake news

Online platforms and other internet services have provided new ways for people to connect, debate and to gather information. However, the spread of news intentionally misleading readers has become an increasing problem for the functioning of our democracies, affecting peoples’ understanding of reality.

The work of the High-Level Expert Group, as well as the results of the public consultation, will contribute to the development of an EU-level strategy on how to tackle the spreading of fake news, to be presented in spring 2018. For more information, please click here.

European Vocational Skills Week 2017European Vocational Skills Week 2017

The second European Vocational Skills Week will take place from 20 to 24 November 2017, to continue the success from last year, with activities in all Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries at national, regional and local levels.

Showcasing events and success stories presenting the full range of opportunities in the vocational education and training (VET) sector are the main focuses for the week. All stakeholders are invited to participate and register their event or activity by filling in an online registration form.

For more information about events and participation opportunities, please contact the organisers of the European Vocational Skills Week. Stay informed of European-wide activities by subscribing to receive the latest updates.

New proposals for Erasmus+Info session: New call for proposals Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances

Want to know more about the new call for proposals for Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances?

A web streaming information session takes place on 4 December from 14:30 to guide potential applicants on how to prepare and submit a proposal for this new funding opportunity. Speakers will present the policy framework of this call and provide advice on preparing and submitting proposals. A more specific agenda will follow. The recorded videos and power point presentations will be available afterwards on EACEA website for consultation.

You can send in your questions in advance and follow the session. For more information please click here.

European Education Area for 2025Towards a European Education Area by 2025

The European Commission set out its vision to create a European Education Area by 2025.

The European Area of Education should include:

EU leaders will discuss these key policy suggestions on education and culture in Gothenburg this Friday. More info can be found here and here.


Group Webinar series on “Developing Your Entrepreneurship Education Project – Helping your ideas happen”  will take place on Tuesday 21 November 2017 – The Why, How and What of Experiential Learning. 

It’s time for the 3rd School Education Gateway – Collaborative Space on Entrepreneurship Education Webinar on 21 November, 12:30 with – Bantani Education‘s Elin McCallum –PEEP and Youth Start Challenges project leader Dana Reford –Young Social Innovators‘ Barry Peak. For more info and to register visit website here.


Digital DataPossibility to watch LIVE international conference „Digital Data for Enhancing Mobility in Higher Education”

On 16 November 2017 Academic information centre / National Europass centre Latvia was hosting international conference „Digital Data for Enhancing Mobility in Higher Education”.

The conference discussed the exchange of digital student data – Groningen declaration, as well as other projects supporting the quick exchange of data for enhancing student mobility. More information – here.

Basic Skills of AdultsBasic Skills of Adults – A Model of Adult-oriented Life Skills, Basic Literacy Skills, Social and Civic Skills and Entrepreneurial Skills

The third cycle of European Agenda for Adult Learning for the period from 2017 to the end of 2019 has begun. Thus, the upgrading of basic skills of adults – a model of adult-oriented life skills, basic literacy skills, social and civic skills and entrepreneurial skills can be considered as a priority. The goal set for the period from 2017 to the end of 2019 is working on a model for adult training in basic skills, basic literacy skills, social and civic skills and entrepreneurial skills. Thereafter, raising the awareness of the authorities about the need for a model of adult-oriented life skills training and the need for short-term vocational training programmes to help low qualified and unemployed adults in job hunting represent the goals for the foreseen period.

If you want to know more about it go here.

Adult Learning Awards Nominations open for Inspire! Adult Learning Awards in Wales 2018

The nominations for 2018 Inspire! Awards, co-ordinated by Learning and Work Institute in partnership with Welsh Government and other supporters is now open. There are many categories for which you can nominate a group or an individual, further information on the subcategories can be found here.

The Award ceremony will take place in June in Cardiff as part of the celebrations for Adult Learners’ Week 2018, the largest celebration of adult learning in Europe. You can nominate either online, by email or post. More info can be found here.


EPALE logoII International EPALE Conference

On 9th and 10th November 2017, the II Regional Conference EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Education in Europe) was held at Hotel Bosna in Banja Luka organized by the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The theme of the conference was Quality in adult education, and the conference was attended by over 80 participants – adult education experts from several European countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). To find out more, please click here.







Prepared by  Magda Seidelmannová


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