Weekly Roundup


DOREA Team is happy to introduce our newest section – “EDU-NEWS corner” where You will find the summaries of weekly educational news including news about Erasmus+ programme, EfVET, European Commission, educational publications and etc.

erasmus30Celebrate the Erasmus+ anniversary

Erasmus+ is celebrating its 30th anniversary and to honour the European accomplishments the Member states are organising a number of events. The anniversary provides us with the perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of openness, mutual understanding, and solidarity.

Millions of people have benefited from Erasmus+ programme that enriched their life with opportunities and international experiences. All thanks to the decision to promote free movement in 1957 (Treaty of Rome).

33 countries with 229 (and more to come) events are celebrating the milestone of Europe and its people. Conferences, forums, dialogues, celebrations, debates, and exhibitions are waiting for you to mark the anniversary. Click here, to find events near you.


VocationalskillsGet ready to discover your talent

The news is out! The Second European Vocational Skill Week will take place from 20 to 24 November 2017. Commissioner Marianne Thyssen invited VET (Vocational Education and Training) supporters to join and discover their talents via a video message. With the success of last year’s Vocational Skill Week that united almost 800,000 people in nearly 1000 events across Europe the theme of “Discover Your Talent” will be continued to capitalise on the energy and the enthusiasm that was brought out in people. The aim of the event is to enhance the partnership between business and VET providers to show that VET can be just as equal of a choice for a great career route. Thyssen also encourages people to get involved in national, regional and local events and activities not only throughout the event but also the whole year.

To read the full invitation click here.


Skills agendaNew skills Agenda

The European Economic and Social Committee welcomes the New Skills Agenda for Europe proposed by the Commission in the 523rd plenary session. The Committee notes the increasing labour market participation as the need to meet the changing, uncertain and complex labour markets, as well as fighting poverty, inequalities and discrimination. The Agenda itself focuses on solving these current issues as it utilises existing tools and measures as it aims to improve their application and functioning. It also notes the need to introduce more innovative solutions in the fields of education and skills development.  The New Skills Agenda for Europe was adopted by the Commission with the intentions to develop, enhance and broaden the set of skills of people from early on in life and making the most of Europe’s human capital, that should boost employability, competitiveness and growth in Europe. What is more, the Agenda emphasises the measures, including assessing the impact of current measures, to reach out to disadvantaged groups, including persons with disabilities. This is a positive step towards a greater balance between business’ and society’s needs for skills.

Prepared by Simona Varankaite

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