Weekly Roundup
Instruction time at school
Eurydice has recently published its report on the recommended annual instruction time in full-time compulsory education. In the report, a comparative analysis is made amongst the 43 European education systems for the year 2017-2018. The report has several interesting outcomes, which makes it a worthwhile read!
The report can be found here.
The LISTEN Project will be giving an award to the refugee or migrant (or trainer or volunteer that works with migrants/refugees) that has written a piece that bonds with the reader, and contains a clear message. The story can be anything, fictional or non-fictional, a fairy-tale or a self-created one. Stories can be submitted only in these languages: English, German, Swedish, Italian, French and Greek.
Find out more about the project and award here.
School development and shared leadership
From an online course, school development plans were created. These plans include self-evaluation and development plans which includes leadership, assessment. Additionally, management styles and distribution of leadership is discussed.
Find the development plans here.
Youth4Regions 2018
The Youth4Regions Media Programme has opened again! Meaning that every journalism student in the European Union has the opportunity to join this programme! All you have to do is write an article or create a video, submit this before the 29th of June and perhaps you will join the media programme in October, and see your creation featured on the website of the European Week of Regions and Cities!
For requirements and more information, click here.
Baltic agreement on diploma recognition
The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have recognized the need for an easier recognition for diplomas received in the Baltic countries. Therefore, an agreement was signed concluding the recognition of degrees, whether academic or from upper secondary education, in all three countries. This agreement will support labour mobility and open the higher educational system for Baltic students.
More information on the agreement can be found here.
Call for papers
The International Journal of Inclusive Education currently has a call for papers open for their special issue titled “the efficacy of policies, theories and actions to support the inclusion of refugees”. Suggested topics for the paper include: the role of cultural sensitivity, the inter-relationship between different professions working with refugees, the practice of language, and several more.
The deadline is the 30th of July 2018, more information and requirements can be found here.
DOREA Educational Institute has announced a new initiative titled “DOREA ZOOM+”. With this initiative, DOREA shines a light on different subjects every month. For the month of June, ICT in education is the subject discussed. Therefore, every Tuesday and Thursday, a new post will be published containing tips, new insights and articles to spark your interest in ICT in Education, or any new subject for the next coming months!
Find out more here.
EYCH Label
Do you think your EU funded project will comply with the requirements of the European Year of Cultural Heritage? Simply check the website linked below and apply to use the label of the EYCH! Through the EYCH, the EU hopes to promote its cultural heritage and spread awareness about European culture. Will your project join?
Find out more about the label and requirements here.
Prepared by Tessa Verheij