Weekly Roundup
Why do adults decide to study?
The research, conducted by Public and Learning and Work institute, creates an understanding of adults’ experiences of learning. The study shows that for every learner, there exists a complex and unique relationship between their own perceptions of the personal benefits and the personal costs of learning. The key finding in this report is that the trigger to participate in learning for each adult comes at a tipping point where personal benefits outweigh personal costs.
The complete research report can be found here.
Share your opinion about adult learning in your country
Do you need support of the European Union for adult learning in your country, and if so, why? What kinds of EU support would be most beneficial for your country in the coming years? Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) wants to hear your opinion. Engage with your peers from across Europe in this online discussion moderated by EPALE.
To participate in the discussion click here.
Tips for Erasmus+ application success
The European Commission releases its Erasmus+ calls for 2019 proposals again. Are you thinking about applying for Erasmus+ funding this year? The important things to keep in mind are: choose your partners carefully, be clear on your project and participants’ needs, plan ahead and know your Key Action.
For more information about successful application, please click here.
Developing ambitious, creative citizens of the future through entrepreneurial real-life education
Craigfelen Primary School transforms their students into confident entrepreneurs by putting the in charge of their own small businesses. The development of entrepreneurial skills has been part of the school’s curriculum development for the last six years, but due the success of some of the small businesses, this area has become a key aspects of the school’s educational offer.
To read the details about the school’s programme click on the link here.
Combining entrepreneurship with Europe’s Cultural Heritage
The eTwinning featured group “Entrepreneurship in Education” has created activities for its members on the creation of videos; challenging the teachers to use their creative and entrepreneurial skills to research the annual theme of Europe’s cultural heritage.
Click here for more information here.
What can be learned from Portuguese education?
Paula Guimarães reflects on the challenges that adult education faces in Portugal and what lessons other countries and the European Union can learn from that. In short what is learnt from Portugal: it takes time to assess and eventually change the need for public policies with direct outcomes for adult education, and, adult educators need to have a profession that is considered relevant for their country and for Europe as a whole.
Find a more detailed article about the findings here.
European perspectives in transformative education
To learn more about European perspective in transformative education, this research, conducted by the EDiTE researchers, is a volume that contains both individually and collectively written papers that reflect the results of the first yet of their research within the EDiTE framework.
Click here to read volume 1.
Happy World Animal Day
On the 4th of October World Animal Day is celebrated. While you spoil your pet a little bit extra on this day, many animals still do not have the rights they deserve. Promoting animal welfare is an Erasmus+ good practice project in which 30 youth workers from 9 countries came together to explore ways of integrating animal welfare into youth work.
Find out more about this good practice here.
Prepared by Dimyana Salib