Study visit ‘’Eco-Entrepreneurship: Future is Green’’

From the 22nd to the 28th of June 2023, the study was implemented in Struga, North Macedonia where participants from North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cyprus.


The study visit was organized as a part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Eco-Entrepreneurship & Circular Economy: On the Path to Sustainable Change”. The project is set in line with the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme. and is based on the need to increase the capacities of 6 youth organizations representing the program to work with the concepts of eco-entrepreneurship and circular economy, to be able to develop competencies of young people as well as young people with fewer opportunities, and to transfer the principles of circular economy in their practices to become more green, sustainable youth organizations ready to face ecological and sustainable challenges of 21st century.

Study visit 

During the project, participants had the opportunity to visit local, eco-friendly companies and learn more about sustainable businesses. These companies’ main focus was mainly on the sustainable production and manufacturing of goods, such as hazelnuts and boats. These visits were rounded off by various group activities, in which energisers were of course an important component. Furthermore, a lot of group activities were offered to socialize and get to know each other better.

To find out more about the project and study visit check out the project’s booklet here.

Feedback from participants

Meï-Li from Cyprus “This is my first Study Visit and I have enjoyed meeting new people and discovering the country and culture. Besides the study part, we managed to make strong connections with our colleagues. I liked the visit to the organic hazelnuts factory which showed a good eco business model for sustaining the environment. Discovering beautiful cities such as Struga and Ohrid was an amazing experience.”

Berkan from North Macedonia  “Unique personal experience. Thanks to this program I learned more about this topic. In future, I will implement the practice of this project in my business and everyday life. The activities were very informative and diverse. We had energizers, sessions, and visits to factories and beautiful cities. I am really grateful to the organisers. They prepared my birthday party- meaning they care for participants.”

Esma from Bosnia and Herzegovina “Visits in this project occupied so many different fields. Even though I am a nutritionist I found so much useful information not only for eco-business, but for my field as well. I gained professional contacts that can be used for faculty in my city. The accommodation was great all together with the food. Service was kind. Colleagues and roommates were amazing.”

Opportunities with Erasmus+

Erasmus+ projects encourage youth and its workers to travel abroad for networking or training in order to advance their skills for future career choices. These periods spent abroad include training sessions, study trips and other activities, like this project. It is a possibility to expand each individual’s horizons with the help of the European Union. Projects like these can also encourage younger people to take part in more of these kinds of projects and start their own self-development at an early age.


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