Project kick off meeting 

Between the 4th and 5th of November DOREA team participated in the kick off meeting of a new Erasmus+ KA2 project called “Financial education of small entrepreneurs with special consideration of migrants”.

The two days meeting took place in Giresun (Turkey) and marked the beginning of this two years project. During the kick off meeting, partners not only discussed the project and upcoming activities, but also had the possibility to visit and learn more about Giresun.

Project partners visited local high school, one of the partner of the project, where participants had the possibility to talk with the headmaster and the teachers. The staff of the school were very welcoming and looking forward on collaborating on this new experience.

Partners even had the possibility to meet and present the project and project’s idea to the new mayor of Giresun.

Project aims

The aim of this project is to find ways to teach small business people finance-related skills that they can put into practice in everyday life. The offer should be low-threshold and feasible throughout Europe. Learning opportunities are hardly noticed by small entrepreneurs, especially with a migration background.

During the project there will be 2 trainings organised. The trainings, that will take place in Turkey, will give more information on the financial system of the different European countries represented in the project and how to set up a successful business in Europe. The target group of these training courses – immigrants and refugees who had already or want to establish their small enterprises in order to try and make the integration in their new countries an easier process for them and promote their entrepreneurship skills.

For more information, please click here.

DOREA Team will is excited to have the possibility to collaborate with three new partners: Advisa Unternehmensberatung GmbH, the organizer of the project, is a German organization helping business and companies on economic and business related matters; Stowarzyszenie Wspolpracy Polsko-Afganskiej Hamkari an organization from Poland working on the strengthening of the relationship between Poland and Afghanistan, and Giresun Lisesi an high school in Giresun (Turkey).


Written by Vanessa Crivellaro

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