The training for youth workers is offered as a part of ongoing Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building for youth project called “Fairy Tale Genderology”. The project aims to contribute to the better position of women in European society as well increase awareness on gender and human rights issues among young people. During the project fairy tales will be used as patterns for focusing on identifying and tackling gender stereotypes and reducing gender-based violence. Learn more about the project here or here.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Training

Dates: 8th– 19th July 2019 (including travel dates)

Location: Sakobajne, Serbia

Participants: 6 participants (5 + 1 group leader)

Requirements for participants:

  • 19 – 30 years old
  • having an intermediate/advanced English level
  • being active members in your own local community (as a volunteer or as a youth worker)
  • interest in the topic
  • willingness to prepare the homework, actively participate in the training and disseminate the project results

Priority will be give to applicants who come from disadvantaged background/fewer opportunities. You can find more about it here.

Short exchange description:

During the exchange participants will be able to:

  • exchange realities, practices and share experiences among each others, related to gender policy and issues;
  • actively participate in development of innovative methods and technique for gender oriented reading;
  • understand concept and formulate problems in gender reading;
  • respond to problems in gender reading with use of Fairy tale Genderology;
  • work on practical work in testing methodology;
  • discuss how to transfer Genderology at local level;
  • use different equipments to make multimedia recordings;
  • express analytical and critical thinking on the topic of EU citizenship;
  • critically evaluate methods in learning and explore interculturality in European activities;
  • express initiatives, ideas and creativity;
  • work individually and in teams;

Before the training each national team will have a preparatory work, on line research about gender stereotypes with prepared questions about gender equality in their national fairy tales and task related to making up to 10 photos about gender stereotypes in their surroundings. They have task to find and bring a chosen international fairy tale Cinderella, and illustrated and published in their own country.

Download project info pack here.

Conditions:  The accommodation and meals will be covered by Erasmus+ programme and the travel tickets will be bought the by the project coordinator (up to 275 euros).

How to apply?

To apply please fill the form below. Deadline to fill the applications – May 31st. 

If You have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the training coordinator Viktoria at vt@dorea.org, call us +357 25 25 66 06 or stop by our office (please inform us in advance about the meeting)


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