Erasmus+ learning mobility project “LET (LearnEducateTeach) me try”


On 16th of February, the DOREA Educational Institute team boarded the plane to Warsaw, Poland to reach the final destination Wisla, Poland, where the Erasmus+ youth workers mobility training course “LET (LearnEducateTeach) me try” took place.

LET participants

We had one day to enjoy and get impressed by Krakow, one day to explore and fall in love with Warsaw and 8 days to learn and share new innovative methods of social inclusion, with particular emphasis on terms: discrimination, stereotypes, intercultural learning, and exclusion with young people from Poland, Italy, Hungary, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Malta and Turkey.

LEt project

During these 8 days, we learned many many many things! We learned the difference between facilitator and trainer, we strengthened our competences in the context of planning and implementing effective learning activities, we understood how much complex facilitation during intercultural meetings can be, and of course, we learned from EACH OTHER! As we all should know “In diversity, there is strength and beauty”

LET drawing

A huge thank you to the organizers and DOREA for making this happen. We are looking forward to our next training. Once Erasmus always Erasmus!


Iliana Skoullou

Elena Loizou



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