About the Project

The idea about “Youthocracy” began during a training seminar in May 2014, when some of the partners met for the first time, and later on discussed the possibilities for collaboration. Youthocracy Vol.1 was realised by a project consortium consisting of Eco Logic from Macedonia (coordinator), Lauterach from Austria, and San Francesco Centro Culturale from Italy. During the Youthocracy Vol. 1 project a need to support young people with training and networking activities with focus on promoting youth development, non-formal education through a variety of creative approaches and methods was recognized. In the first edition of the project, 18 organizations from 5 countries shared more than 100 best practices in 10 selected fields.

As a result of the success of the Youthocracy Vol. 1, Eco Logic as a coordinator decided to continue the Youthocracy story with a second edition, called Youthocracy Vol.2. In the second edition of the project Eco Logic had partners from Slovenia – Mladi Zmaji, and Cyprus – Dorea Educational Institute. During the Youthocracy Vol. 2 edition, the project consortium managed to extend the network with additional 25 organizations from 12 countries, who have contributed with 127 new best practices and examples related to youth work, on 10 previously defined fields of activities on the platform.

It was a busy year for the project consortium, with a lot of discussions, sharing of best practices, but also testing some of them during the transnational project meeting held in Slovenia!


Erasmus+ KA2 "Youthocracy"


Youthocracy Blog

The ,,Youthocracy” blog was created as part of the Youthocracy Vol.1 project, and updated and extended in the Youthocracy Vol.2 project. The idea of the platform (blog) is to stimulate organizations, which are part of the Youthocracy network to share their positive or negative experiences regarding non-formal educational methods, as well as to promote their activities and future plans. Also, the platform (blog) serves as a data base platform for finding possible future partners regarding future project. Who knows, maybe Youthocracy Vol. 3 is knocking on our door?!


Erasmus+ KA2 "Youthocracy"


International Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia

From 27th to 29th of June, 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia a transnational meeting and testing workshop regarding Youthocracy Vol. 2 project, was held. Eco Logic (MK), as coordinator of the project, with the partners Dorea (CY) and Mladi Zmaji (SLO) in the role of hosts of the meeting, discussed the work done so far and the future planned activities related to the project.


For more information about the project an good practice, please see the full project newsletter here.








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