Weekly Roundup


consultThe EU wants you to consult on funds for values and mobility!

The European Union (EU) is looking for you to consult on values and mobility. Through the survey, the EU seeks to identify strengths and weaknesses in existing programmes such as Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens programme, and the European Social Fund.

More information and the survey can be found here!


ICC logo25th ICC Annual Conference in Santorini, Greece

Between the 4th and 6th of May 2018, the annual ICC Conference will be held in Santorini. This year’s conference theme is ‘Migration, Communication, and Culture’: Implications for languages education. Several workshops and plenary speakers will be present to discuss the role of language and culture in migration.

Registration for the event and more information can be found here!

western balkansFunding for Western Balkans doubled

The European Commission has set out an initiative to increase support for the Western Balkans region. Through the doubling of the funding that the Western Balkans Strategy receives under the Erasmus+ programme, socio-economic development will be enhanced.

More information can be found here.

EYE2018Take part in the European Parliament’s photo competition!

The European Parliament asks you to take part in the Instagram photo competition for a chance to win a place at the European Youth Event (EYE) in Strasbourg! All you have to do is take a picture that illustrates the five topics on EYEs agenda: #YoungOld, #RichPoor, #ApartTogether, #SafeDangerous, and #LocalGlobal.

The competition ends on the 22nd of April, for more details, click here!


EUNARRATIVEWanted: European personalities

The European Youth Portal has set out a competition for you to share who represents European values to you. There is no timeframe, no borders, and no special field. You just nominate who you think is an amazing European. You can post your nominee on the Facebook and Twitter pages of the European Youth Portal using the hashtag #EUNARRATIVE.

The competition ends on the 11th of March, more details can be found here!

dante logo education 2030 conferenceExtended submission deadline Education 2030 & Adult Learning conference

The European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) has extended the abstract submission deadline for the “Education 2030 & Adult Learning: Global Perspectives and Local Communities – Bridges or Gaps? conference. The conference will be held from the 7th to the 10th of June 2018, in Opatija, Croatia.

The new deadline is the 15th of March, for more information and guidelines, please click here!


latvia prizeLatvia founds a new prize for non-formal adult education!

The ministry of education and science of Latvia has founded a prize for the best provider of non-formal adult education. The new prize stresses the significance of adult education and highlights the work of educational institutes and teachers working in the area of non-formal adult education. The prize for 2018 has already been awarded to the Ogre Vocational College for its contribution to the development of the educational process in 2017.

More information can be found here!

school education gatewayLearning in a museum

A 4,5 weeks long course will start on the 19th of March for teachers and other education professionals on the School Education Gateway platform. The course explores the educational value and potential of the current museums for learning. The course is based on a homonymous eTwinning learning event by Daniela Bunea.

More information on the course and registration can be found here!



Prepared by  Tessa Verheij


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