Weekly Roundup


eTwinning Plus celebrates the Eastern Partnership (EaP)

The Eastern Partnership is a joint policy initiative which aims to deepen and strengthen relations between the European Union, its Members States and its six eastern neighbors: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. eTwinning plus was created to offer a platform for staff working in a school in one of the neighboring countries to communicate, collaborate and develop projects. eTwinning truly changed the way of teaching and learning, giving teachers the opportunity to network with other countries and challenge themselves.

Learn more here.

European Commission’s Chief Spokesperson at Cedefop

European Commission’s chief Spokesperson Margaritis Schinas visited Cedefop on 24 June for a talk with Acting Executive Director Mara Brugia and the agency’s management team. Mr Shchinas praised Cedefop’s role and presence, adding that he has been following its work and supporting it for many years. He spoke about the importance of the decentralized EU agencies for the Commission, noting that they are dynamic and have capacities that the Commission itself does not have. Ms Brugia said that Cedefop is happy to call Mr Schina a friend and supporter.

Click here to find more about the meeting.

EAEA awarded the life skills approach in adult education

The 16th annual Grundtvig awards were given to projects which successfully embrace the life skills approach in adult education. Life skills are capabilities for life and work, they exceed the concept of basic skills and are closely related to the key challenges adults face in the modern world.  EAEA Grundtvig Award 2019 celebrates initiatives fostering life skills approach in adult education. The winners of the award were selected in two categories: national or regional and European projects. The winners were announced on 26 June 2019. The award ceremony took place in Copenhagen and was part of the EAEA General Assembly and Annual Conference.

Learn more about the Grundtvig Award 2019 here.

Lifelong Learning Fest

A lifelong learning festival was held at Bartin University in May, 2019. In cooperation with the Department of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education and the Continuing Education Application and Research Center, participants from different generations partook in informal learning experiences in sports, crafts and health related events. Another addition was to create awareness among the participants about individuals with special needs. During the event both young adults and middle-aged adults were able to learn together and have fun.

Learn more about festival here.

ENO: climate change action globally through education

ENO is a global school and community network for sustainable development. Climate change has been a regular topic for us: our schools have been planting trees since 2004 and raising their concern through campaigns. They also organized the World Summit of Students for Climate, which took place from 29 May to 5 June in Finland. A total of 135 students and 100 teachers from 70 countries came together. Students discussed climate change, the interventions needed to curb it, and the role of forests in this. They voted on actions they could take as students and announced the Climate Action Plan 2019-25.

Find out more here.

Germany’s Continuing Education Strategy

In Germany, the first National Continuing Education Strategy was introduced, with a focus on continuing vocational education and training. The goal is to interlink continuing education policies of the Federal Government. The Federal Minister of Education and Research said that the National Continuing Education Strategy is intended to lay the foundation for the new continuing education culture. The strategy focuses in particular on continuing vocational training. The Strategy offers concrete measures to acquire a vocational qualification.

Check out the strategy here.

Call for Erasmus+ app to boost cross-border mobility

An invitation for proposals to enhance the Erasmus+ mobile app has now been published. One of the key objectives of the European Education Area is to enhance cross-border mobility and exchanges in Europe. Increasing participation in educational and cultural events. As part of this initiative, the call now aims to build on the success of the existing Erasmus+ mobile app. Proposals should aim to improve the app by proving online tools that can administer mobility’s and other services.

Read about the call here.

eTwinning Day 2019 forged a new galaxy of democratic participation

On 9 May, Europe’s Day, eTwinning community members had the chance to travel through the eTwinning Galaxy and take part in the activities of the Spring Campaign, all in the spirit of the platforms annual theme: democratic participation. Democratic participation is an integral part of eTwinning. The platform promotes active participation of students, teachers, and head teachers in collaborative activities. It is looking to expand its reach further to local communities.

Learn more here.


Prepared by Rachel van Wetten


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