Weekly Roundup


Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is essential for a better prepared and fully functioning society

Recent reports have come in from the Vice Chair of the Centenary Committee about his feelings on the decreasing opportunities for adult education. The United Nations vowed to lifelong learning and ensure that “no one is left behind”. Lifelong learning is essential to face upcoming challenges, for instance the use of artificial intelligence, problems created by a changing climate or an aging society. Countries that promote and support high level of adult education gain certain advantages. These include improved mental and physical health, more respect for diversity in society and more independence in old age.

Read more here.

European Toolkit for SchoolsEuropean Toolkit for Schools: no one left behind     

In a whole school approach there is a clear focus on learning for all and achievement does not only translate into academic success. It builds on an inclusive vison of education where all learners will reach their full potential, regardless of individual and family, socioeconomic status and life experience. The European Toolkit for Schools encourage the advancement of inclusiveness and the prevention of early school leaving. It helps school heads, teachers and others to identify their needs and provide applicable solutions to avert early school leaving. The Toolkit is divided into five areas, each with useful information and key points for reflection.

Find more information here.

Check out latest resources here.

National qualifications framework

© Cedefop, 2019/Peter Mayr

National qualifications framework gather speed across Europe

The National qualifications framework are starting to show their benefits and value due to implementation. European countries have been developing their frameworks to creating a more complete map of qualifications in all sectors. These more comprehensive maps will serve to verify non-formally and informally skills and competences that have been acquired. The National qualifications framework encourages transparency and comparability to increase trust and qualifications across countries and systems. 35 European countries have officially shared their NQF to the European qualifications framework in April 2019.

Find out more here.

Check your country’s NQF here.

digital technology in education Future proof: the potential of digital technology in education and culture

C&T is an organization that works with digital technology and theatre to explore identity and community, and they are making a big impression worldwide. Their mission is to inspire, educate and empower children. Their six key values are collaboration, creativity, intelligence, learning, originality and quality. C&T created Prospero technology which enables the creation of interactive dramas. The online interactive dramas are designed to provoke players into taking part and sharing their own story. The online platform builds global support between children, young people and marginalized communities.

Check our the platform here.

Online Job Vacancy

© Cedefop, 2019

Online job vacancy data presented to European Commission Directors    

The European Commissions’ DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion presented the first time results of Cedefop’s labor market and skills intelligence. It focuses on over 30 million online job vacancies collected across seven European Union Member states from the period July to December 2018. Cedefop has helped anticipate skill needs, supply and demands. It serves as an alert system to help the executive branch take action if needed. The presentation was attended by around 20 European Commission Directors and Cedefop acquired a lot of positive and constructive feedback.

Find out more here.

storytelling Follow the story, applied storytelling as a motivation and encouraging strategy in adult education    

The project of Erasmus+ “Follow the story” introduces storytelling as an instrument to increase educational activities and motivation for adults. The partnership consists of three organization operating in diverse rural regions. The Addenda Foundations which is the project coordinator and two partners. The Rural Partnership Selija Association from Latvia, which has a main goal of inspiring the rural citizens for getting involved in improving the quality of life with financial support of the EU programs. The third partner is the Civic Association Traditional Folk ART and Crafts from Slovakia, which is responsible to organize educational and cultural events in order to protect traditional folk arts and crafts.

Read the full article here.

upskilling pathwaysESBN Online Course on Epale: Integrated Policy Approach in Basic Skills Provision

The EBSN Epale Team is announcing its first online course for policy- makers, experts and other professionals. The MOOC is four weeks long and it helps policy-makers to basic skills provision on policy levels. The objectives of the MOOC are to equip policy-makers with a learning environment, to gather information, exchange views and learn together. Another objective is to generate highly relevant learning recourses, which will be easily accessible from anywhere and at any time. Furthermore, to give EPALE users opportunities to participate in an interactive learning process.

Read full article here.

Young Refugees

© Council of Europe 2018

Committee of Ministers European Council Adopts Recommendation Supporting Young Refugees

The Committee of Ministers has adopted a recommendation that supports young refugees in transition to adulthood. The proposal was initially proposed by the Joint Council on Youth in order to provide young refugees additional temporary support after the age of 18 so that they have access to their rights. The need for such assistance is apparent for the fact that the young refugees over 18 years old are no longer protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child this exposes them to violence, exploitation and human trafficking.

Find the full recommendation here.


Prepared by Jip Lenssen and Rachel van Wetten


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