Weekly Roundup


Europeana edtech challengeEuropeana #edTech Challenge!

The foundation Europeana has organised the #edTech Challenge in which participants have the chance to win €30.000! Your proposal must be a project which brings together culture, education and technology using Europeana’s content for innovative learning.

Apply here before the 28th of February!

european commission logoEuropean Commission announces pilot project for digital skills

The European Commission has announced a plan to provide work experience for 5000 – 6000 graduates in the digital field in 2018 – 2020. The paid internships have the aim of helping to close the gap between supply and demand in the ICT sector.

More information can be found here.


school education gatewayTake the poll on learning assessment in schools!

The School Education Gateway (SEG) has published a poll to see your views on the way children are assessed in schools. The SEG would like to know whether the formative assessment is already used at your school, or a school you’re familiar with, and what other methodologies are being used.

The poll is available until the 25th of March in 23 languages and can be found here!

lithuanian libraryMovies for inclusive education and sociocultural awareness

The public library in Utena, Lithuania uses a new method of creating a more socially and culturally aware society. Through the means watching movies and creating analyses in teams, the library aims to develop creativity and an intellectual and critical audience of cinema enthusiasts among the socially disadvantaged groups of society.

Read more about the project here!

cedefop logoUpskilling pathways discussed at EU policy learning forum

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) jointly organised a forum aiming to bring together countries, social partners and other civil society organisations that can help each other in designing and implementing measures for improving literacy, numeracy and digital skills for adults.

More information and the discussed questions can be found here.

EPALE adult learning online discussionJoin the online discussion about social media in adult learning!

Continuing February’s theme on the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE), there will be a two-day online discussion regarding the use of social media in adult learning. The discussion is hosted by the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) and will take place on the 26th and 27th of February. The discussion is open to everyone and will start at 12 AM CET.

More information can be found here, as well as the soon to be published link to the discussion!


EAEA logoEAEA calls for action!

The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) calls for action in view of the budget talks regarding the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Erasmus+ programme. The EAEA invites all its members and adult education organisers to help make sure that EU funding for non-formal education is sustained and hopefully increased in the next funding period of the European Union.

For more information, and opportunities for you to help, click here!

student talent bank survey ALDAHave your say on entrepreneurial education!

The European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) is hosting a survey of secondary school teachers to collect views and opinions on the issue of entrepreneurial education. The survey is a part of the Student Talent Bank and takes approximately 5 minutes. It can be found here and is available in English, French, Dutch, Romanian, Greek and Italian.

Be quick, the survey closes on the 28th of February!




Prepared by  Tessa Verheij


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