Weekly Roundup


Transitions: re-imagining student pathways to their futures

Researchers in Ireland published a study on the “Transition Year”. It is an optional year for students after their lower secondary curriculum and before studying for their final school certificate. During this year, the students take part in various activities to develop their competences. Many schools offer this program. According to the research, this “Transition Year” is a very positive experience. Young people aged 15 and 16 need opportunities where they take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision-making.

Full article can be found here.

Department for Education and Ofqual launch consultations for new digital skills qualifications

The department for Education has launched a consultation to consider the content to be included in the new digital skills qualifications. The new functional skills qualifications will be accessible at entry level 3 and level 1, it aims to develop skills in adults who have no or low digital skills. Those taking the qualifications will be trained in using digital devices to complete everyday activities such as sending emails. They will also learn about online security and safety best practice. Ofqual’s regulatory consultation will run till 26 July 2019.  

Find out more here.

Green skills in focus at ILO forum with Cedefop contribution

Around 180 experts and representatives of governments, social partners and academia attended the International Labour Organizations, global forum on boosting skills for a just transition and the future of work, in partnership with Cedefop. The forum was organized in the context of the ILO Green Week, the 2019 World Environment Day at the ILO centenary celebrations. The debate evolved around the results from comparative analysis of 32 national studies conducted in 2017. The key findings of the report on Skills for greener future, highlighted the importance of skilling and upskilling to address the challenges and grasp opportunities.

Read more here.

Watch the panel discussion here.

eTwinning Workshop for Teacher Training Institutes

In 2012 eTwinning launched an initiative to involve Teacher Training Institutes from several European countries with the aim of bringing a knowledge and understanding of eTwinning to student teachers. As of 2019, in addition to Teacher Trainers, Student Teachers are also able to access eTwinning Live, through a special role in the platform. In May 2019 an eTwinning TTI workshop was held in Brussels, bringing together new TTIs from all the countries participating in the initiative including those new to the initiative.

Learn more about initiative here.

Skillsnet e-bulletin: May – June 2019

Skills Panorama’s latest blog analysis goes online. The blog article discusses the skills intelligence now offered on Skills Panorama based on Cedefop’s project on online vacancies; which is much more detailed than what typically can be obtained using traditional surveys and data sources. Cedefop provides the analysis for more than 400 occupations and 1500 skills.  11 new countries and new analysis of economy sectors will be added in July.

Check out the blog here.

Request for applications, Grants for civil society organization within the CriThink project

The Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink project, implemented by Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with Eurothink, supported by the European Union, announces this request for applications to provide support to initiatives of local society organizations in partnership with media and other stakeholders. They promote, creation of culture and critical thinking through promotion of media literacy.

For more about the call and application process press here.

Education Talks: Personalized learning brings students to the fore

Personalized learning is about the individual within the specific context, their learning needs, their interest. It is about focusing on the integration of each student. An effective methodology in personalized learning is peer learning, students integrate in groups and collaborate by themselves in many different works. The point is to better understand the student and their skills.

Learn more here.

Education Scotland provide Enhancing Professional Learning in STEM Grants Program

The Enhancing Professional Learning in STEM Grants Program is funded by Education Scotland and supported by the Scottish government. It aims to increase access to STEM learning opportunities and encourage confidence in practitioners across Scotland. Professional learning opportunities focus on the sciences, math’s and numeracy, interdisciplinary STEM approaches and digital learning, teaching and engineering technologies.

For more information about the program click here.



Prepared by Rachel van Wetten


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