Weekly Roundup

VET adultsVocational education and training for adults – what is needed and how to get it.

As part of the November focus on vocational education and training (VET) for adults, EPALE is organising an online written discussion on what vocational skills adults need today and what challenges they face in acquiring them.

The discussion will take place on the Epale website and will start on 30 November 2017 at 10:00 am CET. It will be moderated by EPALE’s Thematic Coordinator for Quality, Andrew McCoshan.

For more information, please click here.

ARISE project logoARISE: Analysing Refugee Inclusion in Southern Europe

Kairos Europe is glad to announce their new Erasmus+ Project ARISE, which will allow 72 staff from participating organisations to attend a training course in Italy on the areas of immigration, policy change, education for migrants and refugees, mental health issues, and much more.

The project is made up of a UK-led consortium with a total of nine partners ranging from education and training organisations (Kairos Europe, Red Ochre, Kings College London, Creating Ground and African Languages Matter), and charities (Migrants Resource Centre, Young Roots, Amirah Foundation and Elfrida Camden). Each consortium partner work on different levels on migration-related issues such as research on policies, education and training, inclusion and employability, and mental health issues. Follow the project by visiting the website.

Adult LearningAdult learning

How can we ensure a better life for everyone through learning? Join us for a discussion about the benefits and opportunities of adult learning at the LLLWeek17 on November 21! With us in the debate: MEP Liliana Rodrigues, MEP Pavel EmilianEuropean CommissionLifelong Learning Platform, and many others!

Click here to see the programme and here to register.

Teacher academyTeacherAcademyEU

Starting 13 November, Teacher Academy EU course “Competencies for 21st Century Schools” provides concrete tips on how to implement and assess project-based learning.

Enroll for free by clicking here.


Vocational education and training to be reformed Vocational education and training to be reformed beginning from 1.1.2018

The vocational education and training reform will renew and digitalise the operating models and learning environments of the education providers. In order to achieve this, a development programme was launched to help reform the operating models of vocational education and training into competency-based and customer-oriented, intensify and make the education providers’ activities more flexible, slim down the administration and to strengthen the knowledge and skills of the teaching staff. In addition, the reform will increase and diversify studying on workplaces and equalise the customer-oriented service process of the education arranged in workplaces.

Read on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s  webpage here what will change for students, education providers and for work-life through the reform.

EPALE logoLive stream of the event “migration and integration as the focus of sustainable adult education” on 14th November 2017 from 1 pm

EPALE Austria and Erasmus+ Adult Education, as part of their “thinking outside the box” (“DER BLICK ÜBER DEN TELLERRAND”), are organising a regional event to encourage sharing and learning among different parties involved in adult education.

Watch the event live on 14th of November at 1 p.m. here.



ICAEA Civil Society Forum “Education 2030: From Commitment to Action”

For civil society, this gathering offered the possibility to appraise the challenges and opportunities related to adult education and learning in the current context, profile the importance of adult learning and education in the new global education and development agenda, and confront the challenges related to its implementation on both the national and the global levels.

The Civil Society Forum was also organized as a platform for civil society to strategize on its advocacy within the MTR processes and other related education and development policy arenas. A Civil Society Statement for the CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review was formulated and distributed. It is available in English, Spanish and French. More Information can be found here.

ENILIntergenerational Learning – Results from the European Network for Intergenerational Learning, ENIL

Our society is ageing. The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs has estimated that the number of older people (aged 60 or over) will grow to more than 2 billion by 2050.

This population ageing brings many challenges for society, as well as a need for interventions that can maintain or improve the mental and physical health, the personal autonomy, and the social well-being of older people. It also provides society with a wealth of expertise and knowledge, and an opportunity to harness these for the benefit of younger generations and their comprehensive education and socialisation.

The European Network for Intergenerational Learning (ENIL) attempted to identify and analyse the impact of intergenerational learning on different target groups, young and old, from several perspectives, starting from the societal impact envisaged in policy documents and continuing to the individual, small-scale benefits.

If you want to know more about ENIL please click here.

Education and training monitorThe Education and Training Monitor is now available online!

For data and policy recommendations in a variety of fields, from early childhood education to adult participation in learning, you can now consult the ETMonitor. The monitor is Commission’s flagship annual publication on education and training in the EU.

A crucial part of the EU’s agenda for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is bolstering Europe’s education and training. With its international comparison and country analysis, the Education and Training Monitor fuels the debate on priority themes for education and training and informs national education reform debates.

You can download the documents here.

VET online discussionBasic Skills within VET: online discussion

The European Basic Skills Network will hold a two-day online discussion focusing on basic skills within VET. This online discussion can be seen as preparation for the European Vocational Skills Week. The EBSN will be represented at the main event in Brussels and will convey there the results of this online discussion.

The discussion is open to everyone and will take place on 16 November (starting at 10.00 CET) and 17 November 2017. It will be moderated by EBSN Secretary-General, Graciela Sbertoli and the EBSN EPALE team.

Do you want to know more? Click here.

WebinarWebinar: Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Rethinking Refugees and Housing

Refugee housing is about more than bricks and mortar. It’s the foundation of the refugee’s relationship to a new home, neighbours and landlords. Getting it right tests the capacity of a community of hosts to open their doors to the newly-arrived and the needs of those who have left everything behind.

Join the webinar online on November 28 to learn about housing initiatives in Bristol, UK and Berlin, Germany, that are opening doors to refugee housing and local economic development by creating positive social interactions between refugee and host communities at home, at work and in local neighbourhoods.

For more information, please visit the event website.


Prepared by  Magda Seidelmannová


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