Weekly Roundup


Learning to Live Together – A Conference on the Future of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe

A conference organised by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France will take place from June 20th until June 22nd. Participants will discuss the future of citizenship in Europe, what we achieved these past five years, and what we still need to work on for the future generation. For more information, please click here.



Digital participation: digital literacy for participation in the society of the future

On June 22nd a conference of EPALE and Erasmus+ Adult Education will take place in Wien, Austria. “The aim of the conference is to create both real and virtual platforms that reach across international borders and encourage sharing and learning between the different parties involved in adult education. “

You can find the programme of the conference here.

You can register until June 11th here.

Belfast conference

Employment for All – A Global Perspective

The conference will be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland from June 14th to June 16th. “The conference will aim to challenge our thinking and perspectives on how we work with people considered “far from the labour market” perhaps we should be thinking the “labour market is far from the people” and that may change how we do business.” For more information please visit the conference website by clicking here. Registration is open until the 14th of June!



Facilitating access to education for adults with intellectual disabilities – why fully inclusive models work

Andrew McCoshan wrote a post on June 1st about the inclusion of adults with disabilities in education. He explains the Inclusive Learning Initiative: “It was built on the social model of disability, which recognises the human potential of persons with disabilities and advocates for their independence and inclusion as citizens.”  To see the article, please click here. Take some time to read it!



Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2016/17

On June 8th, the European Commission and Eurydice published a report which examines the educational policies of many European countries and how they changed through times. To see the report, please click here.


Life long learning

Council adopts revision of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning

“The purpose of the EQF is to improve the transparency, comparability and portability of people’s qualifications. The EQF was originally created in 2008 as a common reference framework of eight European generic levels of learning, which serves as “translation grid” between national qualifications systems.”

All types and levels of qualifications are covered including qualifications from higher educationvocational education and training and general education, but also qualifications awarded by the private sector and international sector organisations.  (SOURCE: Efvet Newsletter) 

For more information, please click here.


Prepared by Jeanne Allard

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