Weekly Roundup
Erasmus+ on the lookout for inspiring stories of social mobility through education in Italy
Creating a network of positive role models to inspire, with their stories, young people living in difficult social environments, and to help them make the most of negative situations. It is the part of the support measures for member states to combat radicalisation and social discrimination.
Participation is open to all those, living in Italy and willing to contribute to the fight against social exclusion through the narration of a personal experience in which education and training played a crucial role. Teachers, headmasters, who committed to combating early school leaving, people involved in prison education programs, underprivileged young people who are not in education, employment or training and also migrants and refugees are invited to contribute. In order to participate, it is necessary to fill out the online form by 30, December 2017 and share a text and/or a video. For more information, please click here.
Workshops and courses for disabled people
“No Obstacle for Sharing Life!”
Fatih Adult Education Center is organizing seminars, courses and certified programs for disabled people who want to develop their skills, to prepare themselves for work-life and social life in order to integrate disabled people into life. The workshops and seminars are offered to literate disabled individuals above the age of 18 for free. Locally 13 percentage of people are disabled. Workshops and seminars prepare disabled individuals for work-life and help them in the process of their integration into social life. For more information, please click here.
Collaborative problem solving
On the 21st of November 2017, PISA releases its report on the first-ever international collaborative problem-solving assessment. The report examines students’ ability to work in groups to solve problems and explores the role of education in building young people’s skills in solving problems collaboratively.
The report is available here.
Health literacy
EPALE’s monthly focus for December 2017 is health literacy. When we talk about adult education, health is rarely the first things to come to our minds – we more often think about basic skills or upskilling for the labour market. But adult education can be a powerful tool for improving people’s health and wellbeing.
EPALE’s teams from across Europe have gathered many interesting blog posts and useful resources on the topic. You can find the blogs and resources here.
As the hearing impairments increased in Samsun the demand for learning the sign language increased too. As a result of the Olympics, people became more conscious. Last semester started the 6th week of sign language course, 27 adults graduated the course. The new course, which started on 28th of November, attracted 26 adult trainees. They will open a new course as soon as possible after the course will finish on 25th of December. For more information, please click here.
Making a national rug lessons
In our past Ladik Public Training Center, making a national rug lessons were given to adults in the scope of Lifelong Learning. This training, which was organized between April 10 and September 5 with the support of İş-Kur (Business establishment in Turkey), was attended by 18 female participants and an exhibition activity was held at the end of the year.
One of the aims is to keep an art close to forget, to continue our traditions and customs. For this reason, the course was opened with 21 adults on 14th of November and will continue until 6th of March. If you would like to participate in these courses, organisers will open a new course immediately after the course is over. More details can be found here.
Be inspired by vocational education success stories!
The 2017 European Vocational Skills Week may have passed but the campaign to promote vocational education and training (VET) is still ongoing! The exciting online exhibition of success stories can be explored to inspire learners across Europe to understand the importance of VET, which can take different forms and routes. It covers a vast range of skills from designing clothes to developing apps. VET offers the chance for learners to turn a creative skill or hobby into a thriving career. For example, Erasmus+ and European Social Fund (ESF) help thousands of people to transform their lives through VET. To see the success stories, please click here.
One year since the launch of the European Solidarity Corps
Today marks the first anniversary of the creation of the European Solidarity Corps which offers young people between the ages of 18 and 30 the opportunity to take part in a wide range of solidarity activities across the EU. One year since the European Commission launched the European Solidarity Corps, 42,745 young people from all Member States have signed up. 2,166 of them have started their placements with 1,434 organisations.
More info about Solidarity Corps here.
Prepared by Magda Seidelmannová