Weekly Roundup


EAEAEAEA General Assembly and Annual Conference

This year the EAEA General Assembly, Grundtvig Award Ceremony and Annual Conference will be kindly hosted by EAEA Ordinary Member ACEFIR in Girona, Spain. The registrations are now open – join the conference for two days of discussions and workshops about how to successfully engage new learners!

During the EAEA General Assembly on 27 June, EAEA members from across Europe will not only discuss statutory business and vote in the elections of the board, but they will also participate in interactive workshops on Upskilling Pathways, adult education and development and a number of other topics that our members have indicated as important in their everyday work.

The General Assembly will be followed by the Grundtvig Award Ceremony. This year, EAEA will award projects and initiatives that successfully engage new learners. The three winners will receive a scaled reproduction of a well-known sculpture in Girona and will be asked to actively contribute to the workshops at the Annual Conference.

The Annual Conference on 28 June will be fully devoted to the topic of engaging new learners. During interactive workshops, you will look at how adult education professionals could encourage new learners to participate in adult education according to different target groups and reflect on what opportunities Upskilling Pathways might bring.

For more information please click here.

There is a preliminary programme is available here.

If you are interested you can register here before 10 of May.


adult educationWebinar: The unreachables in adult education

According to Eurostat (2012), 24% of the European population risks poverty or social exclusion. Besides this, UNICEF (2008) concludes that 22% of the population of the industrialised countries is illiterate. Both figures show the need for upgrading the status and increasing the liability of an enormous group of inhabitants. Our group of “vulnerable adults” still increases every day. Therefore investment in this group, for example in upgrading their skills is needed. Especially in times of economic crisis, we should be aware of clever interventions for inhabitants risking social exclusion or unemployment.

But the major issue is that it is still hard to reach these potential learners. Although it seems the case that a lot of inhabitants face serious problems and will benefit adult learning we still don’t have clever solutions to reach them in an easy way. New studies show what most successful ways in reaching vulnerable adults are.

Join the webinar on 9 May from 9:30 – 10:30 am CET and 23 May at 9:30 – 10:30 am CET to find out what the newest possibilities are in order to reach the vulnerable adults for adult learning are.

You can register here.

For more information about the webinar, please click here.

For more information about the LEK project, please click here.

new skills agenda webinar

“New Skills Agenda and Upskilling Pathways” webinar

Paul Holdsworth, from the European Commission’s DG EMPL, presented the New Skills Agenda and Upskilling Pathways in a webinar this week. In the webinar, he discussed the new EU policies for adult education, followed by a comment by Shermaine Barrett, Board member of ICAE and AED.

If you missed the webinar, don’t worry you can watch it here.


“Promotion and Dissemination: The skills of sharing” eventErasmus UK

On 24 May 2017, Erasmus + UK National Agency is organising the‘Promotion and Dissemination: The skills of sharing’ event. There will be opportunities to hear from experts in the field on how to promote and disseminate your projects including:

  • Thinking outside the case study: top tips for participant promotion
  • UK National Agency tools and resources – how we can help from press releases to social media
  • Best practice examples from beneficiaries to share knowledge and skills
  • A joint interactive panel discussion with experts in the field of communication.

The event starts at 10 am and finishes at 3 pm. You can find the agenda for the day here.

The event will take place in Glasgow, and The National Agency can provide financial support for reasonable travel expenses which are paid after the event. Click here to know more about the expenses policies.

Booking has been extended until 8 May but places are limited so please register as early as possible to secure your place.

For more information, please click here.


EAEAEAEA Statement: EAEA on the Future of Erasmus+

As the European Commission has opened a public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme, the EAEA prepared a statement for further development of the programme.

In the statement, the EAEA highlights the importance of the Erasmus+ programme for the adult education sector and offers recommendations on how to improve it according to the needs of the adult education providers and learners.

The European Commission’s public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme is open until 31 of May.

You can read the EAEA statement here.

For more information about to how to participate in the European Commission’s consultation click here.


Prepared by Raquel Garcia

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