Weekly Roundup
Virtual school for adults looking for partners
A new virtual classroom platform is looking for EU partners to develop adult learning and corporate learning projects. Get more acquainted with this platform by clicking here.
The platform uses the new WebRTC technology, which means it can be used on tablets and smartphones, and participants don’t have to install anything. The tool can be used for various purposes such as lifelong learning and corporate training. With this tool, adult educators can create their own video lectures and record their classes.
More info about it can be found here.
Leading the way: New resources showcase the very best of Erasmus+ and the Lifelong Learning Programme
Thanks to Erasmus+ programme European projects are being developed every year bringing up useful and interesting practices as well as outputs that benefit both learners and teachers.
5 new collections of excellent results coming from various projects funded by Erasmus+ and its predecessor, the Lifelong Learning Programme, have just been published to give us some insight about innovations. Compiled by the European Commission, each collection focuses on key areas of education:
For more information please click here.
Erasmus+ 2018 Call for Proposals for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees now open!
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) are international study programmes delivered by a consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries and where relevant other partners with specific expertise and interest in the study programme.
Deadline: 15th of February 2018 at 12:00 midday Brussels time for projects starting between 1st August and 31st October the same year
Length: 4 to 6 years
Maximum grant award: 5 000 000 EUR.
Who can apply: Any higher education institution established in one of the Programme Countries with an established ECHE. Other organisations such as enterprises, public bodies, NGOs and research institutes may also participate as partners.
More information about the project is accessible here.
EPALE focus: Art and cultural education
In honour of 2018 being the European Year of Cultural Heritage, EPALE has dedicated the whole month of January to art and cultural education.
Cultural education broadens adult learners’ horizons. It enriches their lives and helps them to think creatively and critically. Cultural education helps individuals to develop open-mindedness and perceptiveness, to sharpen the senses, and to support creativity. It can also serve as a powerful tool for social inclusion when working with immigrants, minorities and other vulnerable groups. To find out more, please click here.
Study on governance and management policies in school education systems
A new study from the European Commission analyses how quality assurance, school management, admission and other management policies and practices impact the quality, inclusiveness and efficiency of school education.
The study began in the current context of less central government control and more school autonomy for decision-making. It started from existing knowledge across Europe and beyond and gathered new evidence on the impact of different governance and management policies and practices.
Therefore, this subject requires more attention and about how it is planned to be given you can read here and here.
ECVET Magazine about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training No 30 – December 2017
Keep abreast of latest developments on ECVET, learn about creating ECVET units of learning outcomes, using the principles of ECVET and EQF, assessment of prior learning. You can download issue 30.
It features content on:
- The Annual ECVET Forum 2017;
- Using ECVET principles in work-based learning with special focus on involvement of all relevant stakeholders;
- 3rd Austrian ECVET Conference;
- ECVET success stories;
- Growing success for the second European Vocational Skills Week;
Full magazine can be accessed here.
Lifelong Learning Center of Faculty of Political Sciences Has Been Officially Opened
Thanks to the support of DVV International – Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has included the equipment and materials for training programs and adult education library, the Lifelong Learning Center of Faculty of the Political Sciences University of Sarajevo has been officially opened.
The Center is part of the efforts of Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo to develop the offer of lifelong learning programs, apart from the ordinary educational offer, so in that aspect, the Center’s activities will be organised according to the andragogical standards and principles.
More details can be found here.
Prepared by Oleksandra Seredynska