Olga is an experienced trainer and youth worker based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since she was a teenager she was active in non-formal education methods as a member of a Greek scout team, with which took part in European projects.

She studied photography but at the same period was working in summer camps for children and people with disabilities, where with friends she realised that not children have the same opportunities in entertainment. In 2003 with other active young people established the NGO “Kids In Action” and since then organizes performances with clowns, jugglers, stilts, and acrobats for children with less opportunities, economical problems or disadvantaged geographical background and being actively involved in European Youth Mobility Programs/activities.

Since 2009 she is delivering as a free lance trainer, seminars, training courses, contact making events for youth workers, educators, teachers based in non formal education methodology and tools.

In 2012 she becomes member of the Greek (Hellenic) National Pool Of Trainers in Youth in Action Programme and the same year she becomes member of the steering committee of “Thessaloniki 2014- European Youth Capital” where after the successful nomination she takes responsibility for Action Planning and Coordination of events.

In 2015 she is becoming active in Social entrepreneurship, while she is establishing the Social Cooperative company “KIRKO” promoting circus skills as a pedagogic tool.

Throughout the years of experience and her unstoppable willing to learn and explore, she developed her trainer’s skills and competencies and she can deliver any topic based on non formal methodology, having preference in: Personal development, Outdoor education, Leaning styles, Mentoring and coaching, Group leadership, Diversity and tolerance, Project management and Erasmus+ programme.

Moreover she is youth consultant and EVS Coordinator and mentor, a volunteer youth worker, she published a fairy tale with the title “Once upon time in a magical forest”, she organises youth events and festivals and continues working in the summer camp for people with disabilities.

She strongly believes that “If you can’t laugh at yourself then you are missing the biggest joke of your life” and she tries to implement it in her life as well as her work.

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