DOREA Educational Institute could be your partner at Horizon2020 projects. We are mainly interested in adult and youth personal and professional development. Together we would like to tackle societal challenges, boost cross-sectoral cooperation, increase entrepreneurial capacity nationally and internationally, foster potential of different organisations in working towards sustainable development of Europe.

We can join your consortium and provide support in preparation of your project proposal as well as offer our expertise in project management, bringing experts in psychology, sociology, business, etc.


DOREA can support you by strengthening dissemination and exploitation of your project results as we have high reach to different target groups around Europe: around 10.000 social media contacts and around 50.000 newsletter contacts among which are HEIs, schools, adult educational centres, VET centres, NGOs and other. We have access to a bulk mailer with the reach of 2 million newsletter recipients (specific target groups) per month.

In addition, we have experience in creating websites and promotional material such as brochures, leaflets, posters, guides, videos and other.

DOREA has a wide network of contacts therefore we can assist you in finding the most suitable partners for your project.

We can assure exploitation of your project results if you need to organise multiplier events, training courses, workshops or other events. DOREA has great experience in organising training courses in 10 different countries: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, United Kingdom and Ireland.

If you have a project idea to which we can contribute, do not hesitate to contact us: or phone: +357 25256606.

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