Weekly Roundup

Erasmus webinarRecord number of Higher Education Institutions Attend “Erasmus goes Digital” Webinar

The Directorate-General of Education, Youth Sp ort and Culture organized the event “Erasmus goes Digital”. The webinar was interactive and over 750 Higher Education Institutions participated. Hundreds of questions were asked and answered during the event which was organized to get an increased understanding of what the perception of the Higher Education community is towards the digital changes in education.

Watch the entire webinar here.

Erasmus Students17.000 British Erasmus Students in Uncertainty

The European Commission has stated to support the students currently on an Erasmus. However, for students hoping to start in September, a lot remains unclear. Norway and Spain has told their students that were planning to spend their Erasmus in the United Kingdom to go elsewhere. At this point, no official institution is able to provide the worried students with more details.

Read the full story here.

Youth@Work Conference in TurkeyApplication Open for Youth@Work Conference in Turkey

The conference will take place in Turkey between the 25th and 29th of June and is organized by Salto Youth. Stakeholders from all over the continent will come together to discuss youth employability and entrepreneurship in order to create a common strategy. It is an opportunity to get informed on the previously mentioned fields and to get familiar with means and strategies to take action.

Apply here.


54 Networks to Join European Universities PilotEuropean Universities Pilot

The pilot is aimed to connect European universities for a period of between twenty and thirty years. This would ensure a great integration in the European educational sector. The bid has received an extra impulse after President of France supported the creation of the initiative. The next window to join the bid is open in October

Read the full story here.


Adult education BosniaSuccessful Meeting Between Director of the DVV International Bosnia and Herzegovina Office and Minister Ensures new Projects for Improving Adult Education

Dr. Emir Avagić, director of DVV International in Bosnia Herzegovina held a successful meeting with the new Minister of Education of the Sarajevo Canton. This has led to an agreement of a system for monitoring, evaluation and control of implementation of law on adult education, among other issues. Both parties underlined the importance of proper financing to reach the aims set. The talks are likely to result in an increase of the quality of adult education in the region.

Read the full story here.

European Qualifications Passport for RefugeesEducation Department of European Council Releases Documentary on the project “European Qualifications Passport for Refugees”

The short documentary provides insight on the integration of refugees in society. The video has a strong focus on education and enrolling in educational institutions. Moreover, is the lack of official documents with qualifications of students discussed.

Watch the video here.

Finland happiest countryFinland – Again – Happiest Country in the World a Result of its Educational System?

The 2019 World Happiness Report has confirmed that Finland is the happiest nation in the world. Multiple factors could be named as factors of the happiness of the Fins. Such factors are: generosity, life expectancy, and the freedom to make life choices. However, the Better Life Index has mentioned that issues such as education and public services are also a pillar to happiness.

Read the full story here.

Educational Sector of MyanmarEuropean Union Invests 221 Million Euros in the Educational Sector of Myanmar

The European Union has revealed it will invest 221 million euros in the educational sector in Myanmar. An amount of 175 million euros will be invested directly in the Ministry of Education. This will increase the budget of the Ministry to improve secondary education, technical and vocational education training. The remaining 46 million euros is invested in assistance to the government of Myanmar to implement the previously mentioned goals.

Read the full story here.



Prepared by Jip Lenssen


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