Be Your Own Boss
The project is a multilateral youth workers’ training which involves nine (9) different partners from Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Italy, Spain) in order to bring together youth workers who a have direct influence on bigger groups of young people and encourage youth to exploit their potential. During the implementation of the project, all partners will gather in Cyprus for a non-formal learning activity that will have an important impact on the creative and entrepreneurial skills tools for youth workers who will empower them to actively transfer knowledge in their everyday lives and work aspirations.
“Be your own boss” has the following specific (local/regional) objectives:
- To train 30 Youth workers in developing their entrepreneurship competence according to areas and competencies described by the EntreComp conceptual model
- To train 30 Youth workers in developing/improving their coaching skills
- To promote tolerance between different nationalities and cultures
- To foster intercultural dialogue and identify the common issues of young people from different countries
- To improve the quality of 9 youth organisations in the way they work with/mentor youngsters
- To disseminate 6 videos to 135 external Youth organisations
- To disseminate educational material (Youth guide) created by participating youth workers and project partners to 40000 representatives of various public and private organisations, young people, youth workers, mentors, career advisors, etc.
Check out project’s online portfolio here and the Entrepreneurship research study here.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-3-CY02-KA105-001136
VENUE: Limassol, Cyprus
- DOREA Educational Institute WTF, Cyprus
- Institute Perspectives, Bulgaria
- Seiklejate Vennaskond, Estonia
- Asociacion Building Bridges, Spain
- Euro Sud, Italy
- Hellenic Youth Participation, Greece
- Stowarzyszenie Sztukater, Poland
- Sprijin si Dezvoltare, Romania
- Baltijos saviugdos centras, Lithuania