Mental Health Support for Migrants and Refugees: A Lay Mental Health Advisor Approach


Pharos project aims to:

  1. Design a comprehensive and culturally sensitive lay mental health advisor training programme for adult migrants.
  2. Develop targeted training modules for adult educators and migrant support workers to enhance their understanding of the mental health concerns specific to migrants and refugees, particularly those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
  3. Establish community-based peer networks to support newly arrived migrants and refugees to access mental health services.


Pharos will deliver the Lay Mental Health Advisor Curriculum to 10 migrant learners in each partner country – 60 across the consortium – and will support them to reach a further 30 newly arrived migrants and refugees through peer networking sessions (3 each) - 180 in total.

Pharos will also deliver the up-skilling programme to 8 adult educators from each country, and an additional 12 educators at a transnational learning activity held in Greece where the WP3 curriculum will initially be tested.


  1. Lay Mental Health Advisor Curriculum, comprising 6 modules on: Mental Health; Mental Health Disorders; Trauma-Informed Care; Access to Mental Health Services; Self-Care for Lay Advisors and Mindfulness and Self-Care for Migrants and Refugees.
  2. Up-skilling Programme for Adult Educators, comprising 6 practical modules to raise awareness of migrant mental health challenges.
  3. Guidelines and supports to develop Peer-to-Peer Support Networks.


Learn more about the project and find project results here.


Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.


PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation partnerships in adult education

PROJECT NUMBER: 2024-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000244259

DURATION: 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026

TOTAL BUDGET: 250 000,00 EUR

  • INTEGRA FILDER E.V., Germany (Coordinator)
  • DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
  • Unofficial Media and Training Limited, Ireland
  • Druzhestvo Znanie, Bulgaria
  • SOLUTION: Solidarite et Inclusion, France
  • SOROS International House, Lithuania
co funded by EU
co funded by EU
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