CQ is the new IQ
During times of globalization, people are increasingly interconnected. The world is progressively getting smaller. However, differences between various cultures have not disappeared because of globalization. Discussions with regard to immigration have led to the rise of the extreme right and nationalism in many European Union Member States. In order for the future society of the European Union to be inclusive and based on diversity and respect for the Common Fundamental Values of the European Union, it is vital that the future generations are aware of cultural differences and learn to accept them.
Thus, the proposed project strives to promote awareness and creation of inclusive societies by increasing the quantity and quality of youth work done with multicultural groups by youth workers using Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as a ground stone for understanding and acceptance.
A rather emerging form of cultural theory is cultural intelligence (CQ). The phenomenon could possibly best be described as an IQ; however, rather focusing on cultural intelligence. The intelligence would comprise the ability to accept and understand cultural differences in a way which makes sincere and intense cooperation possible between people with different cultural backgrounds.
- To introduce the concept of Cultural Intelligence to youth organisations and youth workers
- To show how Cultural Intelligence can be used as a tool to foster acceptance of different cultures which would result to the creation of inclusive societies
- To equip youth workers, teachers, social workers etc with the necessary skills set to work with multicultural groups of young people as well as to prepare the young people to live/work in intercultural environment themselves
- To improve youth workers’ coaching and workshop design skills for them to be able to transfer the knowledge to youth in better/attractive to youth way
- To learn-by-doing during the Training Course creating 5 promotional videos for cultural awareness and acceptance involving local community members in Limassol, Cyprus
- To disseminate the knowledge acting as multipliers and share the skills acquired during the Training Course by youth workers delivering cultural intelligence workshops for youth in their organisations during the Local Action Phase
Download the project info pack here.
Project results: You can see the pictures and the videos from the project as well the "Local action phase: knowledge to action" guidebook.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-CY02-KA105-00
VENUE: Limassol, Cyprus
- DOREA Educational Institute WTF, Cyprus
- Baltijos saviugdos centras, Lithuanian
- Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto, Slovenia
- Seiklejate Vennaskond, Estonia
- ScambiEuropei, Italy
- Stowarzyszenie Sztukater, Poland
- Walk Together, Bulgaria
- Youthfully Yours, Slovakia
- Association K'mon, Spain
- Solidarity Mission, Greece