Cultural bridges: Engaging Young People and Youth Workers to develop their Cultural Intelligence for Diverse Online Communities
The Cultural Bridges project will:
- Equip Gen Z with an understanding of CQ through tailored educational initiatives.
- Equip youth workers with the knowledge and tools to effectively guide and mentor Gen Z in promoting cultural tolerance.
- Empower Gen Z to leverage their online presence as a powerful tool for advocating cultural tolerance.
- Extend the reach of cultural tolerance discussions beyond national borders.
- Inspire Gen Z to take tangible actions within their communities.
Cultural Bridges will deliver:
- CQ Training to 42 youth workers through national piloting, and a further 12 through the transnational training activity planned
- Digital and Social Media Advocacy Toolkit for 120 young people across all countries
- Cultural Bridges Social Media Takeover for Youth Advocacy – supporting a national “global” campaign in each partner country to promote cultural intelligence in diverse and online communities, as youth-led initiatives
Cultural Bridges will develop:
- Cultural Intelligence Training for Youth Workers
- Digital and Social Media Advocacy Toolkit
- Promotional materials including social media, website, press releases and newsletters
- Support materials to deliver the Social Media Youth Advocacy Campaign foreseen
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation partnerships in youth
PROJECT NUMBER: 2023-2-LV02-KA220-YOU-000174659
DURATION: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025
TOTAL BUDGET: 250 000,00 EUR
- Zemgales NVO centrs, Latvia (Coordinator)
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
- WeLearn Limited, Ireland
- Acta Foundation, Bulgaria
- Aklub Centrum Vzdelavani a Poradenstvi, Czechia
- JUGEND, Bildung und Kultur EV, Germany