The aim of the project is to improve the core competencies of participants in the field of youth work and the creation of tools for professionals working with young people, not just representatives of the organisations participating in the project but also people from other organisations, for implementing coaching culture in organisations and coaching approach to youth. This project will join youth workers from Poland, Armenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary and Cyprus.
The project participants are people engaged in their organisations in direct working with young people. These will be people with several years of experience, interested in using tools of coaching in youth work. During the project, participants will learn to build relationships with young people on trust and sense of security. Then they implement it in their organisations and they will be ambassadors for the introduction of a coaching culture in NGOs.
Project will focus on training course for youth workers to encourage exchange of good practice in raising awareness of EU policy, youth opportunities in active civic participation. Project partners aim to empower young people and citizens in order to help them understand the choices they have within Europe to participate in the mechanisms actively. Therefore, as project consortium involves organizations from current EU member states and candidate countries to join EU, it will give deeper understanding of EU work; reflect on current challenges that face Europe. Social cohesion, youth creativity, EU strategies for youth will be reflected in Guidebook for youth workers, which will be developed during the training course.
The overall aim of the project is strengthening the role of youth work and to encourage young people to be active citizens also improvement of participants’ competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes to their influence towards the youth’s future in European context. Also, to increase the knowledge of the opportunities for developing better civil society matching between the youth capabilities and current issues.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Mobility for young people and youth workers
PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-1-PL01-KA105-024976
VENUE: Silesia (Poland)
Here you can find article from DOREA participants Konstantinos Aristotelous and Gediminas Paulauskas about their experience during the training.