Manufacturing Handicraft Souvenirs
The project develops teaching and learning strategies of handicraft souvenir techniques among staff. Each country already selected domains of souvenirs : amber souvenirs, clay, folk ornaments (PL), glass stained souvenirs, needlework (TR), Cypriot laces (CY), Capodimonte Porcelain (IT), Portuguese embroidery souvenirs ( PT) as tools for training and social integration and as activities leading to inclusive learning environments.
Our objectives are:
- getting know the techniques of manufacturing traditional handicraft souvenirs to increase the staff skills and pass to last beneficiaries
- the protection, preservation, development and promotion of European handicraft heritage
- showing the importance of handicraft heritage for inclusive training purposes for migrants and local socially excluded people
- showing the way to create small handicraft business based on the example of good practices from participating countries and its contribution to the local economy
- develop and increase intercultural dialogue without any prejudices
2 target groups:
- Staff of participating organizations in the project, on the basis of their previous experiences, will identify tools and work placement methods. Their needs : knowledge and skills in handicraft techniques and social competences to work with all mentioned above groups. These approaches will be based on achieving work based learning and producing tangible joint outcomes, training materials and tools. Final products will be designed to be easily accessible to trainers and teachers in other EU countries.
- The partnership will address training actions for migrants and for local people endangered of social exclusion (unemployed at any age, women in age 50+, low-educated people, VET students, ethnic minorities). Their needs : assimilation to normal life through handicraft work. That is why, partnership will develop training paths for an inclusive educational approach in VET.
The impact will be on target groups, stakeholders and all other actors. It will be visible in increasing handicraft skills and competences among staff and learners. All organisations and stakeholders will improve collaboration on the European level and include in their curriculum new project approaches. One member of each organisation will be charged to carry out and follow up activities after the project end as the sustainability of the project results.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-PL01-KA202-064822
DURATION: 01/12/2019 - 31/08/2021
- Fundacja CREATOR, Poland (Coordinator)
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
- Guerreiro & Silveira, Lda, Portugal
- Antalya Muratpasa Azize Kahraman Halk Egitimi Merkezi ve ASO Mudurlugu, Turkey
- Fundacja Euro-Form, Poland
- Claai Form, Italy